One of the major problem with online shopping is finingd the right product, because finding the right product presumes that we know its name, but in most cases it is not so. For this reason the users need help in the process of online searching/shopping. Recommender systems have became a popular technique and strategy for helping users to select desirable products or services. In the past few years the recommender systems have changed from novelties used by a few big e-commerce sites, to serious business tools that are re-shaping the world of e-commerce. In this paper, we provide a brief overview of the classification of recommendation systems based on technology used to create recommendations, and inputs they need from the customers. Furthermore we analyze a few algorithms used by recommender systems and we will also present some marketing recommender systems and their comparative analysis.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Recommender system, E-commerce, Recommendation algorithm, Marketing recommander system
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
Cognitive systems appeared as a response to the real challenges brought by the Big Data phenomenon. It was found that the solutions for solving difficult problems caused by this phenomenon could be brought by using artificial intelligence tools. In this context a convergence between Big Data and Artificial Intelligence happened, which determined the start of a new stage in system development, namely the era of cognitive systems. The potential of these systems is given by the characteristics that differentiate them from other systems. The cognitive systems offered solutions and were used with success in complex projects from the medical and financial sectors. The architecture of cognitive systems is complex. These systems are designed so that they use artificial intelligence tools when processing source content, producing analytical solutions which can be used in the decision process. In this paper base concepts, the characteristics and architecture of cognitive systems, the benefits brought by the development and use of them were presented.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Cognitive systems, Big Data, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
The article provides a succinct evolution of the global textile, clothing, leather and footwear industry, highlighting the major trends during 2000-2015. In the first part, the authors present the evolution of products world trade for global textile, clothing, leather and footwear industry, emphasizing the valences of new technologies in developing the major tendencies. Next, the article shows the influence of regulation on the world light industry and on the structural changes of the major actors in the field, emphasizing the impact of structural changes in the global economy. Further benchmarks of world global textile, clothing, leather and footwear industry in the global context are developed. Finally, the article offers guidelines on the forecast of the global textile, clothing, leather and footwear industry. The article is based primarily on exploratory research and statistical calculation.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Textile, Clothing, Leather, Footwear, World commerce, Structural changes
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
Unemployment is one of the most serious problems of the contemporary world, fact which is expressed not only by all European statistics, statistics showing a growing number of unemployed, despite the consistent concern of the governments of all developed countries. Worse is that the unemployment is the highest among young people up to 25 years, many of them being university graduates. This way the trend of young people to stop attending studies appeared ... seeing as useless their efforts to invest in their future through university studies, the chances of finding a job are minimal despite their diplomas. Hence the name of "the lost generation" - the way that young people are called nowadays. The market economy, based mainly on private property is not considering social issues, it pursues just one goal: profit, more exactly the profit maximization.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Unemployment, Economy, Young people, Studies, School dropout
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Globalization, The transfer price, Affiliates, Methods, Cost
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
The decision to vote and choosing among the candidates is an extremely important one with repercussions on everyday life by determining, in global mode, its quality for the whole society. Therefore the whole process by which the voter decides becomes a central concern. Prescribers, supposed to have a big influence on the electoral market, are a component of the microenvironment political organizations. These are people who occupy important positions that can influence the behavior of others. In the political environment, prescribers are known under the name of "opinion formers", "opinion leaders", "mediators" (Beciu, 2009) or "influencers" (Keller and Berry, 2003 Weimann, 1994). This paper aims to review the central opinions on what is the influence prescribers, opinion makers on voting behavior, voting and decisions on whether and how they act?
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Electorate, Electoral Prescribers, Political Marketing, Voting Decision, Influencers, Opinion Leadership
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
Tourism is a dynamic phenomenon, which is in continuous change. The tourism market is in constant transformation due to competition and growing. Tourist destinations, is facing many challenges in order to enter and remain on the market. Thus tourist destination is a well-defined service which is an assembly designed to meet tourists. The marketing mix includes the following elements: product, price, distribution, promotion. Tourists come to this area because of monasteries, some of which are included in UNESCO and are recognized nationally and internationally. Thus Romanian tourists choose this tourist destination just for a weekend. To prolong the stay of both foreigners and Romanians, as well as to attract a large number of tourists is necessary to develop tourism products type tours: 5-6 days for visiting the tourist area of Radauti. These products must contain an offer as varied and diverse, so every day contain different activities and be adjusted, for example by age segments. Linked pricing policy usually access tariffs are differentiated between Romanian and foreign tourists, being lower in the first category. Travel agencies prefer to organize package tours on request only devise some that distribute them internally and externally. There are initiatives to promote tourism area Radauti, due to the high attractiveness among destinations in Romania. Thus, this must be considered a tourist destination tourism brand renowned nationally and internationally.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Marketing mix, Radauti tourist destination, Tourism product, Tourism marke
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
Advertising of the Over-the-counter drugs is a growing segment. Our research aims to identify the main factors involved in making decisions for the purchase of OTC drugs and to identify what are the ways of informing consumers for this process. To test the hypotheses, a number of statistical tools such as factor analysis, Shapiro-Wilk and Mann-Whitney U tests have been used. The analyzed factors were: (A) doctor’s choice , (b) former own experience, (c) pharmacist’s advice, (d) information stated on the prospectus, (e) opinion of people who bought that drug, (f) opinion of colleagues, friends, relatives, (g) price, (h) brand, manufacturer, (i) information from advertising, (j) quality of advertising. For our analysis, we focused on two main populations: students and employed educated people. The main conclusion of this paper is that recent exposure to OTC advertising is likely to change both related behaviors and decision grids.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Advertising, Over-the-counter drugs, Consumer behavior, Factor analysi
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
The membranes surrounding the amniotic cavity are composed from amnion and chorion, tightly adherent layers which are composed of several cell types, including epithelial cells, trophoblasts cells and mesenchyme cells, embedded in a collagenous matrix. They retain amniotic fluid, secret substances into the amniotic fluid, as well as to the uterus and protect the fetus against upward infections from urogenital tract. Normally, the membranes it breaks during labor. Premature rupture of the amniotic sac (PRAS) is defined as rupture of membranes before the onset of labor. Premature rupture of the fetal membrane, which occurs before 37 weeks of gestation, usually, refers to preterm premature rupture of membranes. Despite advances in the care period, premature rupture of membranes and premature rupture of membranes preterm continue to be regarded as serious obstetric complications. On the term 8% - 10% of pregnant women have premature rupture of membranes; these women are at increased risk of intrauterine infections, where the interval between membrane rupture and expulsion is rolled-over. Premature rupture of membranes preterm occurs in approximately 1% of all pregnancies and is associated with 30% -40% of preterm births. Thus, it is important to identify the cause of pre-term birth (after less than 37 completed weeks of "gestation") and its complications, including respiratory distress syndrome, neonatal infection and intraventricular hemorrhage. Objectives: the development of the protocol of the clinical trial on patients with impending preterm birth, study clinical and statistical on the socio-demographic characteristics of patients with imminent preterm birth; clinical condition of patients and selection of cases that could benefit from the application of interventional therapy; preclinical investigation (biological and imaging) of patients with imminent preterm birth; the modality therapy; clinical investigation of the effectiveness of short-term (3 days) and distance (2 years) interventional methods applied; clinical investigation of complications arising post intervention; studying behavior synthetic amnion. Conclusions: The cause of PRAS is multifactorial. Traditionally, fetal membrane rupture has been attributed to increased physical stress, which weakens the membranes. At the molecular level PRAS is the result of reducing collagen synthesis, alteration of the structure of collagen to accelerate degradation. In addition, these biochemical changes can be amplified and biophysical stress today. The priorities of this research include elucidation of the normal biological process of fetal membranes, including extracellular matrix remodeling, apoptosis.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Premature birth, Chorioamniotitis, Pras, Amnios syntheti
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
This study aims to identify new scientific data that will make possible a concrete assessment of the effects of oxytocin on the neuromotor development of newborns. Given the range of the proposed study, namely 0-5 years, one can identify research axioms dedicated to the prophylaxis sof retardation of neuromotor development. The research methods that will be used are: retrospective cohort study method - where patients (and newborns) that will be administered syntheticoxytocin during labor induction, will be considered the exposed cohort, while the patients (and, therefore, the newborns) that will not be administered oxytocin will represent the non-exposed cohort -, stratified and multiple variable analysis and the Batelle Developmental Inventory.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Neuromotor development, Newborn, Prophylaxis oxytocin
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
In vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI) are well-established assisted reproductive biotechnologies used to overcome infertility in couples. Time-lapse monitoring is an imagistic technology which was elaborated to fulfill the need for observing the dynamics of the mammalian embryonic development in a continuous, non-invasive manner, without removing the embryos from the optimal culturing conditions. This technology offers unique information regarding the cleavage process, as well as morphological and structural modifications thus enabling the embryologists to select the embryos with elevated implantation potential. Aim of the study: to identify, evaluate and summarize the available data regarding the role of time-lapse microscopy in improving the outcome of IVF and ICSI by monitoring and selection of early embryos Material and methods: we systematically reviewed the available evidence regarding the assessment of embryo quality through both conventional monitoring and time-lapse microscopy for couples undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The meta analysis included randomized trials and published data encountered on ISI Web of Knowledge Science, MedLine and Pubmed using the following keywords: time-lapse microscopy, IVF, ICSI, embryo, outcome, pregnancy. As criteria of differentiation, only studies that reported information regarding the implantation rate, aspects regarding clinical pregnancy or live birth were considered for analysis. Results: the info from the studies was extracted and included in the meta-analysis. A part of the retrospective studies conducted after 2010 have highlighted a correlation between time-lapse parameters and embryo viability as defined by the developmental competence and subsequently by the confirmation of clinical pregnancy. Other authors undertook a critical appraisal on potential benefit time-lapse monitoring may bring to ART. Conclusion: Even if time-lapse monitoring is likely to revolutionize the field of embryology by enabling an objective, automatize monitoring and selection of embryos, further randomized studies reporting clinical outcomes after IVF and ICSI are needed before adopting this technology for routine use in the laboratory.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Infertility, IVF, ICSI, Pregnancy, Time-lapse monitoring
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
The role of communication skills of a child is essential because it is closely related to normal child development (cognitive, emotional, motivational) considered major instruments for participation and involvement in all daily social activities, family , group of friends and school environment. From this perspective, we consider necessary to carry out a program of recovery therapy through computer technology access and use of video games as positive indicators for correcting and improving language through highly motivational role instruments.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Language disorders, Tehnology, Speech Therapy
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
In the context of high-tech and telecommunication, non-ferrous sector has a crucial role in industries development. Cooper, nickel, aluminum, zinc, lead and tin are used, directly or indirectly, in most of the technologies, especially in high-tech production. The paper present a short index of the global investments for the non-ferrous transnational corporations listed on London Metal Exchange. The non-ferrous investment index presented in the paper refers to the most profitable corporation exports on world, European Union (EU28) and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) level. The export concentration, estimated through Herfindahl-Hirschmann index on world, EU28, CEE and Romanian level, show that the non-ferrous industry is in full process of releasing. The cases presented in the article show that the non-ferrous companies invest intensively in equipment and technologies with superior production capacities, which combat pollution given by non-ferrous processes, research and development for the non-ferrous innovative technologies, and creating new markets. Sustainable and intelligent development is the inflexion point of the non-ferrous transnational corporation investments. The research is predominant in exploration of the transnational corporations’ internet pages and reports, and statistical calculus from international trade websites.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Global investments, Transnational corporations, Non-ferrous industry
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
The Algerian society has experienced economic, polical and social changes, which have affected its structure and its Castes in general . Therefore , the question of the new bourgeoisie in the Algerian cities is about a specificity which accentuates the problematic character that raises the question; in addition to the difficulty on the theoretical plan within the sociological legacy and the definition of the procedure .
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords:Social Class, Bourgeoisie, City, Maghnia
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
This article presents some tehnical and pedagogical features of an interactive platforme used for language therapy. Timlogoro project demonstrates that technology is an effective tool in learning and, in particular, a viable solution for improving speech disorders present in different stages of age. A digital platform for different categories of users with speech impairments (children and adults) has a good support in pedagogical principles. In speech therapy, the computer was originally used to assess deficiencies. Nowadays it has become a useful tool in language rehabilitation. A few Romanian speech therapists create digital applications that will be used in therapy for recovery.This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific UEFISCDI.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Language disorders, Digital platform, Computer based speech therapy
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
With the message of Jesus Christ, ’For I was hungry and you gave me to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me drink ... Then the righteous will answer: Lord, when did we see you hungry and we fed You? Or thirsty and we gave you drink? And the king, shall say unto them, Verly I say unto you, as you did it to one of these brothers of mine, you have done it unto me (Matthieu 25, 35-40)1’’, and founding the Church visibly at Pentecost, one of the constant work of the Christian Church was and is her revelation to the world of philanthropy and our neighbor. In this study, we will try to explore some of the main theoretical resorts, of the Catholic social action, respectively to decipher what, in the late period of the Western world, but also the Oreintal world, came together in the social doctrine of Ecclesia, starting from their own social thinking concepts.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Sécurité sociale, Doctrine sociale, Philantropie, Charité, Pitié et amour, Facteurs de risque, Maladie, Accident du travail, Decès, Chômage
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
The article presents important considerations on the renewable energy investments from world and European level. The paper points out Europe's position in the current world context. Research is an exploratory one, being supported by statistical interpretations made by the author based on analysis of the "Global Trends in the renewable energy sector" report (2016), United Nations Environment Programme in collaboration with Bloomberg under the auspices of the School of Finance and Management in Frankfurt. Conceptually, the paper presents the most important points of the oscillation investments in the renewable energy sector worldwide. The level of investment in the renewable energy sector offers an accurate picture of the extent of decarbonisation.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Renewable energy investments, Decarbonization, Renewables capital structure
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
Without a solid education at home, children in institutions can develop behaviors and trauma, often impossible to mitigate. The absence of an emotional climate specific in a family, abuses of various types that can accompany the trajectory of institutionalization will mark, perhaps forever, the fate of children in institutions. The chances of these children to grow and to form independent life skills to succeed as future adults can often be reduced. Decision makers within state institutions that are meant to care and educate, are summoned to identify and implement measures that may secure the future for these disadvantaged and vulnerable children.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Family, Socialization, Institutionalized children, Abuse, Arad County
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
The present paper, as announced the title, it proposes to treat the Association „Burning Altar”, legal stage spiritual movement whose mentor is Sandu Tudor. The „Burning Altar” movement was a group of some of the most important intellectuals (theologians and laity) of the era that, given the deep ties of friendship between them, come together around a common spiritual pursuits. The catalyst was Sandu Tudor.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Sandu Tudor, Burning Altar, Leather, Spiritual movement, Orthodox resistance, Atheist communism
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
The concept of “feminine writing” has caused much controversy in time. It appeared in France after the feminist movements in 1970, as a reaction to the lack of visibility of women writers, and it had three important stages. The first, temporally placed right after the events, whose spokeswoman was Hélène Cixous and was marked by her disputatious spirit. In the second stage, between the 80s and the 90s, a less troubled period, as the revolutionary enthusiasm decreased, the works of reference are those signed by Béatrice Didier and Christine Planté. A third stage is the one we are in at the moment – the stage from the beginning of the millennium – characterized by the fact that gender studies are more and more frequent and the efforts to reinstate a literature that has been ignored for a long time, as well as the concern to bring to the fore the literary femininity multiply. If in the period before the postmodernist era feminine literature had certain peculiarities due also to the social situation of women in a masculine society, nowadays the process of un-differentiation – a reflex of an equality that women gained with so much difficulty – is also manifested in the writing field.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Feminine writing, Partisans, Detractors, Search for identity, Gender studies, Postmodernism
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
The present article highlights the particular importance that should be given to ethical principles in the accounting profession and the increasing interest of promoting them in our country as a consequence of numerous international financial scandals and the worldwide crisis that we still live. In their analysis, the authors have made a qualitative study which focuses on the issue of the code of ethics of the accounting profession. The research results show that although respecting the ethical code should remove conflicts of interest, they still occur. Following this study, the authors concluded that the role of compliance with the code of ethics of the professional accountant is essential.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Keywords: Ethics, Accounting, Profession, Code
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
The issue of community participation in tourism development has been brought in front of the sector decision makers and researchers mostly during the last period of time. It could be a source of benefits and it could also create a better relationship between the tourism companies and the community groups. In this paper the author writes a literature review on this subject in order to draw attention on this issue in the Romanian tourism literature and to create an analysis framework for specific cases of tourism development plans.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th November, 2016
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st November, 2016
Migration is a voluntary movement of population from one geographic location to another. This movement can be of several types, depending on the cause determining the respective migration. Population movements or its mobility is not a new phenomenon but has deep roots in ancient history. We can even say that in the beginning man was migratory, nomadic and later it became steadfast, linked in some way to certain geographic locations. Population migration has multiple consequences, both positive and negative. Among the negative we can mention overpopulation or underpopulation of certain areas, heterogeneity of traditions and cultures of immigrants, inability of migratory population to adapt to the area they migrated to, not finding a job, marginalization, etc. All these are genuine and objective criminological factors that could actually cause committing crimes in the migratory population. We cannot and do not want to stop the mobility of people, but we can be careful to avoid harmful consequences caused by this phenomenon.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Crime, Social relations, Security, Migration, Legal order, Crime causality
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
The financial resources consist of components which are characterized by common features, but also have traits regarding their formation and use, generating social and economic effects which differ considerably from one of their parts to the other.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Net working capital, Current assets, Non current assets, Liabilities and net worth
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
The distinctions with a meta-theoretical character about the old and the new institutionalism are, as it is normal, the preservation of new institutionalists, those who are representatives of a school of thought, mature and capable of producing reflections on his own domain. For this reason, the analysis of what they have in common and what is different, concern two moments of institutionalism that are first found in the works of new institutionalists. Old institutionalists usually respond to comments of the new representatives of the school, trying to show their sources and that there is no so much difference as the new institutionalists claim.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Theory of luxury class, Economic institutionalism, Sociologic institutionalism, Political institutionalism
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
Cost information system plays an important role in every organization in the decision making process. An important task of management is to ensure control over operations, processes, sectors and, not ultimately, on costs. Although at the goals of an organization compete more control systems (production control, quality control etc.) cost information system is important as it monitors the results of the others. As a result, the detailed analysis of costs, calculation of production cost quantification of losses, estimating the efficiency of the work provides a solid basis for financial control.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Cost information system, Production cost, ABC method
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
The purpose of the study from the present work was to assess the risk of insolvency at the level of companies in Romania, via an analysis based on the calculation of financial ratios as significant for the state of companies. The correlations established between the values of financial rates and their influence upon the state of insolvency were tested using the logistic model and the probability model on a data sample consisting of a total of ten companies, grouped into companies in insolvency and companies with healthy financial statements having as reference period 2008 - 2012. The results of the study point to the direct influence of indebtedness and speed of rotation of the insolvency claims.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Insolvency, Level of indebtedness, Investments, Financial profitability, Bankruptcy
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
Le but de ce travail est de déterminer l'influence exercée par la productivité du travail sur le salaire moyen brut dans l'industrie roumaine de la chaussure. L'analyse effectuée s'étend sur une période de 10 ans, à partir de 2004 jusqu'à 2013, étant établi un modèle économétrique d'analyse de la relation entre la productivité du travail et le salaire moyen brut dans l'industrie de la chaussure de Roumanie. À partir des données empiriques analysées, ce travail répond à la question « Quelle influence exerce la productivité du travail de l'industrie roumaine de la chaussure sur le salaire moyen brut du secteur? » En plus de la spécification du modèle économétrique décrivant la relation entre les deux variables, dans ce travail est testée la validité du modèle et de l'intensité de la relation entre les deux variables.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Régression linéaire, Corrélation, Industrie de la chaussure, Salaire moyen brut, Productivité du travail
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
A chattel mortgage contract is the expression of a real guarantee that gives the creditor precedence over other creditors, in addition to the general pledge upon the belongings of the debtor. It refers to the sale of mortgaged movable assets, exclusively or prioritized in favor of the mortgaging creditor, in case the debtor does not comply with his / her commitments, under the signed mortgage contract. Beginning from this purpose, shared by both sides (as the chattel mortgage contract is synallagmatic), in case the debtor is unable to fulfill his / her commitments, the sides reach a situation of enforcement of the signed chattel mortgage contract. Given the legal status of the chattel mortgage contract [Art. 2387-2477 Noul Cod Civil , Universul Juridic, Bucureşti, 2016, ISBN 978-606-673-792-0], the principle of binding force of the contract and the principle according to which signed legal conventions will entail legal effects, the Romanian law maker developed the proper legal framework for the enforcement of the chattel mortgage contract. [art. 622 si urm. Noul Cod de Procedură Civilă, ed. Hamangiu, Bucureşti, 2016, ISBN 978-606-27-0459-9].
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Mortgage Contract, Enforcement, Bank Account
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) was launched in 2003 and implemented in 2004 by the European Union (EU) to create an area of prosperity, stability, security and economic cooperation with neighboring countries, with the objective of avoiding the emergence of new dividing lines between the enlarged EU and its neighbors. Indeed, this policy has been implemented immediately after 2004 enlargement to avoid the emergence of "new dividing lines" with neighbouring countries. It supposes the application of the same approach applied for countries applying for membership become then member of the EU to prepare the countries of the Eastern region to an eventual membership. This approach confirms the orientation of this policy for the Eastern neighborhood. It has been more active in this region than in the southern Mediterranean region, mainly due to the presence of a geostrategic concurrency with Russia.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), European Union (EU), Ukraine, Russia, Tunisia
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
The article presents the opinion according to which today we can speak rather of a relative character of ownership, while the social function of it is ever more present and the rights of the owner are subject to multiple legal requirements and limited in order to meet general interests of the community.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: roperty Law, România, Absolut Right
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
In this article we proposed an inventory of the main post-December researches conducted by Romanian researchers, on the Romanian cultural specificity, with suggestions of valorization in organizations, especially for the management. The analyzed diagnoses, whose findings are synthetically presented, are grouped according to their reference level: national or regional one. The conclusions extract the main axiomatic trends, discussing the positive and / or negative implications within the working place.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Romania, Culture, Romanian values, Romanian employee, Cultural specificity, National diagnoses, Regional diagnoses, Management
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
Analyzed in the context of global economic, business ethics and professional judgment becomes increasingly complex, with reflection in all economic fields, including also the accounting profession. This study has the objective to identify the perception of the practitioners in financial accounting on the ethics seen from the perspective of their practical activity which they carry as employees in accounting companies, or as entrepreneurs. The results of the study shows that both ethics and the professional judgment highlighted by the method Concept Maps, represent points of interest in financial-accounting activity of the cabinets, practitioners auditors/accountants paying particular attention to these issues when referring to the quality of the Financial Accounting Statement.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Concept maps, Ethics, Professional judgement
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
Unemployment appears to be an imbalance in the national labor market , as determined by the size and duration to a number of issues on the definition, causes, manifestations and possibilities for mitigation . Unemployment is influenced by demographic features , socio-economic and cultural developments that determine its time. Knowing them is important to establish mechanisms for balancing supply and demand on the labor market. This paper aims to make an analysis of the evolution and characteristics of unemployment in Romania in the period January-March 2016 .
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Unemployment, Workforce, Unemployment rate, Earnings, Graduates
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
The constructivism, seen as a postmodern paradigm, discusses education based on classical and modern practices. Constructivist methods highlighted as a tool, the conceptual maps, an innovative learning method that captures the manner in which an individual perceives the relationships between things, ideas or people, solving problems they face with and how they use their memory. In the past 10 years, conceptual maps were used as a tool to support meaningful learning in science teaching and to help the students and experts to represent and to visualize knowledge in a structured manner. The study " The constructivist instruction through conceptual maps – A Review of the Literature" presents literature review of the maps conceptual and follows the presentation of conceptual maps taking into account their history, advantages and disadvantages shows, the way of drawing such an instrument and also the existing limits of the method.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Concept maps, Constructivism, Education
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is considered a rare disease in the pediatric population, is idiopathic or associated with congenital heart disease, it is rarely associated with connective tissue disease, it represents an important cause of morbidity and mortality. According to data from the Netherlands, the incidence and prevalence is 0.7 and 4.4 for idiopathic PAH and 2.2 and 15.6 for PAH associated with congenital heart disease, cases per one million children. Selective vasodilator therapy has significantly improved the prognosis and life expectancy for affected children. This article addresses current knowledge about PAH in children, reviewing diagnostic criteria and therapeutic management.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Congenital Heart Disease, Vasodilators, Children
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
Provisions represent a defense of the economic entity against the risks they may face. These have an important role in funding decisions that will be taken in future when it is desirable an absorption fusion in the establishment or when it is desirable concluding contracts and /or commercial banking. As more provisions are created, even more protected, the company credibility with partners is higher. Any investor is interested in the transparency of accounts as they are the real economic picture of the entity and the basis from which to start making management decisions. Constituting provisions is accomplished after the inventory of patrimonial.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Risks, Economic crisis, Accounting, Measurement, Control
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
In 1989 Romania has been isolated and restricted cultural, religious and social. All political changes that followed the '89 when they were open borders have led to massive emigration to the states of Western Europe, especially to Italy, France, Spain. Lack of employment, insufficient income, the desire to build a financial balance, were all reasons for a significant number of Romanian who have chosen to work abroad. Basically, this study aims to make a SWOT analysis segment of the population who emigrated temporarily in Italy. They managed these people to create that financial status of their dreams? What was the price paid for this financial comfort? Covering economic stability, acquired after years of work, lack of time periods high near children, spouse or parents, often the elderly and the sick?Abstract will be written in English. Include an abstract between 100-160 words. Abstract should contain no bullets or references.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Unemplyment, Immigration, Intercultural, Financial stability
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
Nowadays, social responsibility of companies is a very important issue, both for Romanian researchers and for those from abroad, but also for companies, non-governmental and governmental institutions. It is not anymore only an idea launched by researchers, economists or philosophers, but it is also present in the official debates concerning regulations in the field and their updating at the European and even global level. The present work aims to analyse the social responsibility of the most important companies from Romania and their interest in reporting on the basis of different existent index in the area. The paper is an empirical study based on public information regarding social responsibility of the most valuables companies from Romania. Results are important for researchers, practitioners, institutions interested in contributing to the know-how and practices improvement in the mentioned area.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, Companies, Global Reporting Initiative, Sustainability
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
An advanced economy needs an advanced society, economy is the product of the society in which it is embedded and on whose institutions it depends. In the process of structural reforms there are phenomena and assemblies of actions that are established as social processes in which everything changes. In this process developing human capital is wanted on the one hand, training of human resources available and on the other hand, adaptation of human resources at change. Institutions incorporated in the common framework of society are interdependent, regulatory framework and the links between them must be constantly reshaped by influences and interests of society in general. Higher education found at the intersection of external challenges and internal economic and social dynamics, was faced with structural changes, the activities undertaken, being dependent on the level and sources of funding.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Education, Structural changes, Higher education
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
Psychological contract includes the individual’s perceptions concerning the mutual obligations that exist in the exchange relationaship with the employer, obligations sustained by the reciprocity norms. This paper aims to study the influences of formal contract type, employee’s age, activity sector or gendre upon the perceived degree of fullfilment of psychological contract. The data were collected from 378 participants, aged between 20 an 66 years, 192 working in public sector, 186 in private institutions. The collected data was statistically analyzed aiming to determine potential correlations beween those variablse. The obtained results support the hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between the degree of fulfillment of the psychological contract, length of service or sector of activity, but there is a significant relationship between the degree of fulfillment of the psychological contract and gender. Theoretical and practical implications of those results highlighted by this study are discussed.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Psychological contract, Fulfilment, Loiality
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
Romanian Higher Education Institutions were one of the main beneficiaries of European funding in the 2007-2013 funding excercise, especially in the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development. Analyzing the data provided by 21 public universities in Romania, we find that Universities have accessed in a significant proportion two types of projects: those dedicated to transition from school to active life and those dedicated to doctoral studies. Also, the proportion of the European funds attracted by HEIs is an overwhelming part of the allocation of reference (over 40% since 2011), and also a significant proportion of total revenues universities (~15.5 % for 2011-2014).
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th JUly, 2016
- Keywords: Government Expenditures, Higher Education, European Funding, Grants, Management
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st July, 2016
This paper aims to identify the recurrent image of the clown and the references to the carnivalesque universe in Max Blecher’s fiction, distinctive elements of his writing, placed under the sign of the tragic. From the perspective of C.G. Jung’s abyssal psychology, focus is laid on the image of the clown, ascated with that of the trickster, an archetype of the authorial shadow transiting through the two worlds, reality/ immediate unreality, conscious/ unconscious. The hermeneutical undertaking attempts to decipher the contextual symbols which point to the duplicitous nature of the character, in the sense of a schizoid identity on the Ego/ Self axis. The conclusions underline the author’s tendency of substituting himself to this fantastic projection, by dissimulating a mask of absurd happiness as an imaginative exercise against biography.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st April, 2016
- Keywords: clown, trickster, Shadow, conscious, unconsciou
- Final revision and acceptance: 15st March, 2016
The title of European Capital of Culture could help immensely a city and its surrounding region from cultural, social and economic pointd of view. Cultural activity in the city is gaining momentum and new categories of tourists are attracted here. To determine if being a cultural capital influenced or not the growth and/or decrease trend as regards the number of tourists that came to Sibiu in a consecutive period of 23 years, the starting point was that this event had a major impact on tourists. The present paper is a quantitative research based on the number of Romanian and foreign tourists accommodated in structures of tourist receptions with functions of tourist accommodation. The conclusions of this article respond to these questions: Being a European Capital of Culture attracts or not more tourists than usual? The increase in the number of tourists was proportional with the effort of the authorities involved in the project?
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st April, 2016
- Keywords: European Union, Tourism, Tourist Attraction, Regional Development, Economic Development, Event Tourism
- Final revision and acceptance: 15st March, 2016
The coherence of the global economic system, created by its upswing in the first postwar decades, started to crumble in the ’70s. The destabilizing shocks affected the entire world, but in an uneven manner, in different geographical areas and at different times, being felt most acutely, with devastating economic and social effects, in Third World countries. Although the developed countries were affected as well, they always had means to combat or to diminish the adverse effects of the crises, leading to "gentler" consequences. This paper focuses on four main aspects in postwar global economic expansion, namely: the ’70s – the international monetary crisis and the oil shocks; the foreign debt crisis; the Latin American debt crisis, the Asian financial crises and the current global crisis.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st April, 2016
- Keywords: Economic crisis, Inflation, Unemployment, Developed countries, Developing countries
- Final revision and acceptance: 15st March, 2016
Human history presents changes in various forms. These do not, however, keep up the same pace. There have been times of rapid changes and there have been times of relative stability. From ancient times to the modern world, the pace of the changes signalled in history has been relatively slow. Since the industrial revolution, however, this pace has become increasingly more intense. The mutations that have been produced have completely changed the structures of industrial production. Over the last decades, these changes and their pace of implementation have been accelerated to such an extent that they have changed the way in which we perceive the world. This article highlights the determining factors and follows the stages in the development of the great global economic powers and their fight for supremacy in the global economic equation.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st April, 2016
- Keywords: Economic mutations, Innovation, Patents, Industrial revolution
- Final revision and acceptance: 15st March, 2016
La responsabilité sociale est un concept toujours plus présent dans l'économie actuelle. Les préoccupations des entreprises dans ce domaine sont dues aux avantages apportés par la mise en pratique de ce concept à moyen et à long terme. Étant donné l'intérêt progressif manifesté envers la responsabilité sociale d'une part, vue comme facteur compétitif pour le succès d'une affaire, et de la pensée lean d'autre part, comme étant la plus importante philosophie de management de notre époque, le but de cet article est de présenter les deux concepts et d'analyser la relation d'entre eux. Les résultats de la recherche ont mis en évidence le fait que la littérature spécialisée offre des arguments forts concernant la relation d'entre la pensée lean et la responsabilité sociale, mais les entreprises qui ont mis en pratique la pensée lean dans leurs activités peuvent être considérées comme des entreprises socialement responsables.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st April, 2016
- Keywords: Pensée Lean, Responsabilité sociale, Compétitivité
- Final revision and acceptance: 15st March, 2016
The goal of this paper is to play as introduction for the sport management science, both as academic and professional major. The paper provides a broad overview of sport management rather than detailed instructions about how sport management is seen. The professional career in sport management should be built on a strong conceptual foundation. Sport managers who can think critically about sport – related issues will be competent, reflective professionals who have the potential to become influential agents of change. The sport management will face many challenges in the future, as examination of the ethics, social responsibility and principled decision making but in the meantime will offer opportunities towards society.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st April, 2016
- Keywords: Sport management, Ethics, Sport businesses
- Final revision and acceptance: 15st March, 2016
Social deviance characteristic of minors and adolescents in particular expresses types of social behaviors that lead to a deep concern on the part of society. These behaviors can be the result of failure in primary socialization, the absence of an affective climate in disorganized families, and are often determined by the impossibility of school, as a socializing entity, to compensate for the educational errors of the family of origin as well as the negative influence of peer groups. The failure of socialization can even lead to juvenile delinquency, behaviors that stray from the legal norm and fall under criminal law sanctions so that a part of these minors end up under the supervision of probation services or worse, in the prison system. Based on these considerations the study conducted aims to highlight some anomic behaviors of Arad County minors, their specific family environment, school environment, entourage as well as the formulation of measures regarding the decrease of deviant phenomena of minors.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st April, 2016
- Keywords: socialization, social deviance, juvenile delinquency, anomy, Arad County
- Final revision and acceptance: 15st March, 2016
The dynamics of the financial markets and the significant interrelationships with broader concepts as globalization or sustainable development, have led in recent years to the development of a multidimensional approach of CSR. The credibility of the financial system is based on the financial institutions image given by representative stakeholders. They filter in an objective way the ethical responsibilities of the banks and the legal ones and give them the legitimacy to operate on the market. In order to obtain a realistic framework of CSR in Romanian banks, the article will focus on the transparency of CSR information. The confidence crisis manifested in the banking institutions can best be overcome through an authentic reporting system, which is able to fulfill a set of requirements, from credibility to completeness. This paper highlights the main characteristics of the CSR reports provided by the Romanian banking institutions, based on the stakeholder theory and using international reporting frameworks as Global Reporting Initiative.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st April, 2016
- Keywords: corporate social responsibility, CSR reporting, banks
- Final revision and acceptance: 15st March, 2016
The European Union (EU) is currently enduring the most significant migratory crisis in its history. Thousands of people and refugees, who escaped the war and poverty in their countries of origin are crossing the EU’s borders. This unpredictable crisis has been the source of a multitude of concerns for the EU and member countries. Faced with this situation, the EU has convened several summits and many ministerial meetings in order to find an agreement to manage the crisis, but national interests have prevailed over European cohesion. This crisis has shown how fragile the solidarity between European countries is under the pressure of their national public opinion and how this situation influences the functioning of European institutions and EU’s relations with its neighbours.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st April, 2016
- Keywords: Union Européenne (UE), Crise migratoire, Réfugiés, Politique Européenne de Voisinage (PEV), Turquie
- Final revision and acceptance: 15st March, 2016
The financial crisis has highlighted the importance of liquidity risk for the banking system. Therefore, this study focuses on identifing the determinants of liquidity of Romanian banks. The data cover the period from 2006 to 2013 and take into account only bank-specific factors. The empirical study was applied on 16 Romanian banks and based on previous studies and uses different liquidity ratios, encompassing different points of view on liquidity. Regarding the explanatory variables considered in this analysis, they include various items of internal character concerning: capital adequacy, asset quality, profitability, efficiency of financial intermediation and the size of the banks. The results of our regression analysis indicate that bank liquidity is positively related to capital adequacy of banks and bank profitability and negatively related to the rate of non-performing loans, net interest margin and the size of the bank.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st April, 2016
- Keywords: Liquidity risk, Liquidity, Determinants of liquidity, Romanian banking system, Specific factors Banking
- Final revision and acceptance: 15st March, 2016
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT ) was considered a rare condition in the pediatric population, more recent data show a significant increase in incidence. DVT occurs due to an imbalance of hemeostasis. There are incriminated multiple risk factors, of which the most common is the central venous catheter. Imaging evaluation plays a crucial role in early diagnosis of the disease. Anticoagulant therapy is the first line of treatment, adapted existing protocols for adults. This article addresses the assessment and treatment of pediatric patients with deep vein thrombosis.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st April, 2016
- Keywords: Deep Vein Thrombosis, Anticoagulant Therapy, Thrombolytic Therapy, Children
- Final revision and acceptance: 15st March, 2016
Involving systemic autoimmune diseases, they primarily affect the joints, muscles and connective tissues. Cardiovascular impairment is often common in these disease manifestations ranging from asymptomatic to life-situations in danger. Otherwise impaired cardiovascular reason may be the first presentation. This may require aggressive therapy immunosuppressed, therefore the diagnosis is very important for a good choice of therapy. This article discusses the cardiovascular manifestations of systemic autoimmune diseases, mainly rheumatic diseases, focusing on diagnosis and manangement cardiovascular implications.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st April, 2016
- Keywords: Autoimmune diseases, Cardiovascular manifestations, Immune therapy, Rheumatic diseases, Diagnostic
- Final revision and acceptance: 15st March, 2016
Undoubtedly, the relevance of transport activities in relation to tourism activities is essential, because it is extremely important and necessary to offer feasible information about tourism services to help consumer to choose the mode of travel to destinations ideal holiday. The methods used in the development of this hypothesis were explanation, exemplification (brief presentation of each mode of transport) comparison etc. Analyzing the current situation of national, European and World Wide tourism transportation, the paper proposes practical applications able to explain that the conduct of economic activities as an integral part of the sector of trade and services within a national economy, would not be possible without the involvement of transport, whether by road, rail and air and naval. The results of the analysis are perfectly applicable offering guests the opportunity to reach the most remote corners of the world in a short time, high degree of comfort and affordable price.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st April, 2016
- Keywords: Tourism, Transportation, Management, Transport Structures
- Final revision and acceptance: 15st March, 2016
Acest volum a crescut organic. În ordine cronologică, primul articol, dedicat analizei propuse de Constantin Brăiloiu pentru ritmul numărătorilor de copii, răspândit enigmatic pe o vastă arie europeană și extra-europeană, a fost scris în anul 1979, pe când lucram încă în sectorul de Fonetică și structuralism al Institutului de cercetări etnologice și dialectale din București. Articolul acesta este unul din ultimele articole pe care le-am publicat în România, înainte de emigrarea în Statele Unite. Articolul următor, publicat în anul 1986, este una din secțiunile unui amplu studiu despre cercetarea semiotică în România, redactat în anul 1981 la Ithaca, N.Y., la scurt timp după stabilirea în Statele Unite. Studiul acesta a fost primul text scris după plecarea din România.
- Type: Book Review
- Published on: 1st April, 2016
- Final revision and acceptance: 15st March, 2016
This article aims realization process called relational communication in the educational processin termsof reconsidering the role of the student in the romanian education correlated with that european. School communication requirements are constant lyincreasing, which is why it multiplies forms of communication and expand their communication requirements toact. This development oblige the teachert o becomea good professional communication staff, both in the domination of the artcommunication, as well as that of receiver that of influencing the formation of his personality in many respects, communicative competencegainingin this way, anintegrative value of their teaching ability.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st April, 2016
- Keywords: Education, Communication, Teaching, Added value, Communicative competence
- Final revision and acceptance: 15st March, 2016