The objective of this paper is to present an innovative method of risk assessment for tourism businesses. The contribution to literature is the novelty of this method of following paths: is an ante-factum assessment not post-factum; risk assessment is based on perception rather than results; is based on specific risks tourism enterprises not on the overall risks. Is an asset-research methodology and consists in generating its own method of risk assessment based on the ideas summarized from the literature studied. The aim established is tourism enterprises from Romania. The data necessary for the application of this method will result from applying to top level management of tourism enterprises, a questionnaire about risk perception. The results from this study will help identify and measure the risks specific to tourism enterprises. The applicability of the results is to improve risk management in these enterprises.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 23th December, 2014
- Keywords: Risk assessment, Tourism enterprises, Method
- Final revision and acceptance: 3rd December, 2014
The recent changes in higher education impose an increased usage of marketing in this field, because this is the path to a more profound understanding of consumers' needs and to identifying the correct market position of the higher education institution. Moreover, it is helpful in developing various study programmes which provide graduates with the necessary skills to successfully meet the requirements of the labour market. At the same time, the employment of marketing in the academic environment not only contributes to correctly informing the public as regards the education offer and the benefits of being the holder of an academic degree, but it also strengthens the academic image and reputation on the market. Results show that higher education encompasses the particularities of services, and therefore, the marketing activities should be adapted to this field. Furthermore, adopting marketing in current activities not only helps higher education institutions in elaborating some concrete actions of attracting quality students, but it also consolidates the academic image on the market.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 23th December, 2014
- Keywords: Marketing, The particularities of services, Higher education consumers, 7P
- Final revision and acceptance: 3rd December, 2014
The financing decision is taken based on the expectations concerning the future cash-flows generated in the operating activity, which should provide coverage for the debt service and allow for an increase of the shareholders’ wealth. Still, the future cash-flows are affected by risk, which makes the sensitivity analysis a very important part of the decision process. The current research sets to evaluate the sensitivity of the payment capacity to variations of the payments for raw materials and consumables. The study employs 391 forecasted yearly cash-flow statements collected from 50 companies together with detailed information concerning the hypotheses of the forecasts. The results of the study allow for the establishment of benchmarks for the payment capacity’s sensitivity, the determination of the mechanisms through which the variation of payments for raw materials and consumables impacts the payment capacity, as well as the identification of the possible causes of such a variation.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 23th December, 2014
- Keywords: Forecasting, Investment, Sensitivity, Risk, Cash-flow, Financial analysis
- Final revision and acceptance: 3rd December, 2014
The right to education is a fundamental right that should not be and can not be denied to any child regardless of his condition of normality or deviation from it. The historic route of educational policies regarding the children with disabilities experienced a positive evolution, from denying the possibility of attending a mainstream school, to current policies of integration and inclusion based on the idea of equal opportunities The rejection of what is considered atypical, unknown, strange, unusual, is the result of perpetuating stereotypes, prejudices regarding the disability, constituting signs of less advanced societies. Is the duty of society to accept children / people with disabilities as part of the reality that surrounds us, and try by all means not to turn a disable child into one normal child, but to normalize the conditions of his life, to give him the possibility to live the same social and school experiences that live any other typically child.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 23th December, 2014
- Keywords: Disability, Normalization, Integration, Inclusion, Equality
- Final revision and acceptance: 3rd December, 2014
While experts in economics place transition to green economy on two directions - reducing ecological footprint and increasing human welfare - climate change specialists warn that effects of global warming will have a much greater impact in the future. It is natural to join scientific contributions in these two areas because both perspectives recognize the ravages made by industrialization, which triggered a serie of abrupt climate changes. For example, the average temperature in Europe has increased about 1oC. Based on these evidences, this article will show the usefulness of introducing a concept of full cycle to prevent climate change in the new paradigm that seeks to solve problems related to the fundamentals of sustainable development through transition to green economy. Using this method, this approach intends to be a new theoretical contribution which can act as support to efficiency of new clean technologies.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 23th December, 2014
- Keywords: Green economy, Climate change, Green growth, Sustainable development, Cycle of climate change prevention
- Final revision and acceptance: 3rd December, 2014
The main goal of this study is to analyse the influence of the extracurricular offer on the attractiveness of the study location, analysing four universities from Germany. This study aims to determine the involvement of students in extracurricular activities, their awareness, and to formulate recommendations for the University of Applied Sciences Worms. The research focuses on the sports activities offer. The study has been accomplished using the bibliographic study, the methodology of qualitative and quantitative research, using various secondary and primary sources. Using the survey method, data from 699 students from Germany, registered in the university year 2013/2014 were gathered. The collected data were analysed through univariate and bivariate analysis. As a result of the study, specific gaps from each region are identified regarding the extracurricular offer of the analysed universities and recommendations for the University of Applied Sciences Worms are formulated.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 23th December, 2014
- Keywords: Extracurricular activities, Students’ awareness, Students’ involvement, University marketing
- Final revision and acceptance: 3rd December, 2014
In Europe, according to official statistics ( the percentage of smokers is about 29% of the population, and smoking still remains the main reason underlying the deaths and illnesses that could have been prevented. In the past 12 months, 31% of EU smokers have tried to quit smoking. In this gloomy context, the European Commission already has a tradition in preventing and stopping smoking, in addition to the broader tobacco control: in recent years have been organized numerous campaigns that aim to inform the European public about the problems caused by consumption tobacco, increasing awareness of the dangers of smoking, thus contributing to the long-term objective proposed by the Commission as "Europe free from tobacco smoke.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 23th December, 2014
- Keywords: Anti-smoking campaign, Effects of Smoking, European Policies anti-smoking, National Policies anti-smoking
- Final revision and acceptance: 3rd December, 2014
The last decades there has been characterizes by a worrying rise in obesity among both adults and in children's services. Obesity is considered disease XXI century.Obesity includes a medical field which accumulates a major issue and objective public health in developed countries, a vital prognosis health problem in medical practice and, not least, an aesthetic problem, psychosocial implications. The word comes from the Latin obese, "obesus" = fat, corpulent. Since ancient times, 2,500 years ago, Hippocrates noticed danger overweight "corpulence is not only a disease itself, but is a risk factor." Subsequently, the Indian surgeon Sushruta (VI century BC) noted connection between obesity and heart disease. In Europe in medieval and Renaissance, obesity was considered a sign of wealth and prosperity among senior officials.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 23th December, 2014
- Keywords: Epidemiology, Obesity, Prevention
- Final revision and acceptance: 3rd December, 2014
This article presents the evolution of the National Bank of Romania from the status of a central government body to the one of autonomous public institution, through laws that have governed it from its setting up (1880) to the present. As an autonomous administrative authority, central bank finds its first foundation, in legal terms, in the provisions of Romanian Constitution of 1991, revised in 2003, and, secondly, in the normative acts that make up the legislative framework necessary for carrying out banking activity, especially Law no. 312/2004 on the Status of the National Bank of Romania. The originality of this article lies in the fact that the analysis of the legal texts was done in correlation with the historical context in which they were adopted and with the evolution of the political regime and of the Romanian economy, from the capitalist economy, to the centralized economy and, finally, to the market economy.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 23th December, 2014
- Keywords: Central bank, Public institution, Independence, Government, Banking system
- Final revision and acceptance: 3rd December, 2014
One of the most difficult challenges for small businesses is to decide which strategy to use for marketing or advertising to generate as much profit using the limited resources available. This study aims to identify ways to promote online using social platforms. With the advent of social media, marketing has undergone radical changes in the way to promote and attract customers. With this technology small and medium companies can identify categories of customers they want to reach much easier. They can also control the content provided and can focus each type of content to the targeted customer category.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 23th December, 2014
- Keywords: Marketing, SMEs, Social Media
- Final revision and acceptance: 3rd December, 2014
The emotions and their management in the workplace have become popular topics in the literature as a result of their effects in organizations. With regards to the conceptualization of emotions and their impact within the organizational context, terms such as emotion, affect, and affective state are often used as synonyms by many authors, but there are situations when they have different significance. The meanings associated with these concepts are herein discussed. The affect is present in all the organizational parts, is the root of all its relationships. The emotions influence many organizational dimensions such as decision-making, creativity, teamwork, negotiation, leadership, turnover, and job performance. Another essential construct in this field is emotional labor or the management of emotions. This concept has a special significance in the tertiary sector because it is an important driver of customer satisfaction.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 23th December, 2014
- Final revision and acceptance: 3rd December, 2014
Public services are somehow directly related to the authorities of public administration, which assume their responsibility for its activity in front of public opinion. The public service fulfils the general interest mission, being vested with prerogatives of political power. The public service can be assimilated to the notion of service which is indispensable for the community’s life, being directly influenced by the standard of living of each person, through close relation with the civilization degree. From an economical point of view, public services have the identification characteristics such as: intangibility, inseparability, variability, and outage.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Intangibility, Inseparability, Variability, Outage
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Au fil du temps, les activités des systèmes financiers et bancaires internationales ont été sévèrement touchées par des crises qui ont marqué à la fois les relations bancaires, réglementaires et sociales. La problématique des crises financières consiste à traiter divers aspects, tels que les causes, les conséquences et les réponses d’elles-mêmes. L'objectif de cet article est de présenter l'histoire de crises qui ont affecté les systèmes bancaires européens, leurs causes et les changements qui se sont produites dans le secteur bancaire à la suite de graves cas de perturbations financières et de mesures prises par les autorités monétaires devant eux. Les résultats de notre analyse montrent que la vulnérabilité des pays européens devant les crises financières se développe en fonction de leur position dans l'économie mondiale et une réponse appropriée aux crises implique une stratégie commune et des outils efficaces permettant d'assurer aussi la poursuite de leur fonctionnement optimal.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Crise, Systèmesbancaireseuropéens, Défis
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The current study evaluates the potential of the equity working capital in predicting corporate bankruptcy. The population subjected to the analysis included all companies form Timis County (largest Romanian County) with yearly sales of over 10000 lei. The interest for the equity working capital was based on the recommendations of the literature, as well as on the availability of information concerning its values to all stakeholders. The event on which the research was focused was represented by the manifestation of bankruptcy 2 years after the date of the financial statements of reference. All tests were performed over a paired sample of 1176 companies (largest paired sample used in Romania in financial ratios research). The methodology employed in evaluating the potential of the equity working capital was based on the general accuracy ensured by the ratio (64.5%) and the Area Under the ROC Curve (0.672). The results confirm the practical utility of the equity working capital in the prediction of bankruptcy.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Bankruptcy, Equity working capital, Risk, Financial ratio, Financial analysis, Financial statements
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The current study focuses on the sensitivity of the corporate payment capacity. Through the nature of the subject, the research is based on simulating variations of the forecasted cash-flows of the companies included in the sample. The study employs 391 forecasted yearly cash-flows statements collected from 50 companies from Timis County (Romania), as well as the detailed hypotheses of the forecasts. The results of the study facilitate the determination and classification of the main sensitivity factors for the payment capacity at sample level, the establishment of general benchmarks for the payment capacity (as no such benchmarks currently exist in the Romanian literature) and the identification of the mechanisms through which the variation of different factors impacts the payment capacity.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Payment capacity, Sensitivity, Risk, Cash-flow, Financial analysis
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Performance has received a fundamental role in an organization's framework given the context in which the competition for each market segment has become even tighter, and the globalization mechanisms eliminates the weaker ones. Performance doesn't require only measurement, but also has to be managed. Taking into consideration the evolution of aforementioned macro-economics it would develop the global performance, which meets besides the economical aspects, the social and environmental ones. The organizations have to face three types of key challenges when it comes to performance measurement: inclusion in the determination process of multiple framework measurements, with multiple indicators, the lack of uniform definitions, but also the lack of consistent applications - all these lead to a variable and trust-lacking measurement of a sustainable performance.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Performancce, Creating value, Global performance
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The issue approached by the concept of sustainable economic development is rather new, vast and complex, so the solutions proposed to ensure the sustainability requires the involvement of some key factors owned by the states of the world that have often very different interests and goals. Hence devolve the preoccupation and view, in different manner, of sustainable development issue. In this context, it is natural to ask: who, how, when, in what conditions and under what motivation will be possible to determine the simultaneous achievement of sustainable development objectives, given that their alignment leads to some limits and paradoxes. In addition, we ask: what are the advantages of sustainable development models functionality at the global level? By this paper we propose to identify some answers to questions about the limits and controversies of sustainability, based on the analysis of literature review and critics related to sustainable development.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Sustainability, Economics and development
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
There is a direct link between disability and discrimination? Why adult with disability in employment threshold is treated under the label and not under his availability? Being a person with disabilities is associated with many stereotypes, prejudice, attitudinal barriers raised by the society, all with repercussions on social and professional quality of life of these individuals. Although statistics show the annual growth of our country people with disabilities, the chances offered to them are far from being equal to meet with peers. Endeavor implementing inclusive policies is stronger school age, but after this stage, adults with disabilities living on the verge of hiring numerous negative experiences being treated under label and not under the availabilities they have. This paper tried to highlight the factors responsible for disability discrimination and exclusion from the socio-professional life, coming up with proposals for improvement in this regard.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Disability, Stereotypes, Prejudice, Discrimination, Socio-professional
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The link between freedom of speech and democracy is based on ideological legitimacy report. A new phenomenon which is worth noticing is the conversion of the freedom of expression from a freedom seen in certain aspects as a solitary freedom into a communication of the masses. Another challenge is prompted by the change of the traditional communication system at the dawn of technology, Internet and its various applications, as well as of the channels used. A weak point is the change in the values scale. If a journalist or a book is deemed good or valuable in terms of competence and ideas, these values are now unfortunately inspired by what we watch on TV. In this train of thoughts, reliable opinion leaders are no longer the same. Mediacracy turns into a synonym of mediocrity with affectivity and emotion prevailing over reason and instead of the communication of thoughts and opinions.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Freedom of expression, Democracy, Mediacracy, Communication
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The analysis of an entity's performance has a determining role in establishing the strategies needed to be adopted, especially in times of economical - financial crysis. The defining optics of the concept perfomance can start further controversies, the term performance being unprecisely used, even today. We can observe that even in the works that have the central object the study of performance, it is rarely defined, without supplementary explanations. The following paper consists in the analysing of the concept "performance", existent in the romanian and foreing economical literature. We consider that the performance of an entity represents the main objective of a managerial team. This article is original because it draws an unitary vision on the authors oppinion about the performance of an entity.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Performance, Return, Value, Efficiency, Result
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Each extension of the scope of laws and principles that allow both mathematical and statistical remodeling as well as reaffirming the appropriateness of proven methods, stirs up a special study interest. The ever-expanding computational power of laws of power offers to the scientific universe possibility of new approach to the crucial relationship between quantity and quality, between micro and macro dimensions. Boosting broadening the use of quasi-universal value theories in research in order to deepen the analysis of sustainable development indicators can lead to a greater understanding of all aspects of this area and to facilitate understanding of the arguments which underlie any responsible decision making. This assumption underlies the logical conclusion that sustainability becomes even stronger as it benefits from scientific arguments support resulting from research. Although we have confined ourselves in drafting some coordinates for application of each method presented to particular issues of sustainable development, this research theme will be strengthened and pursued through appropriate extensive analysis.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Laws of power, Zipf, Pareto, Mandelbrot, Georgescu-Roegen, Sustainable development indicators
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The activity of the entities activating on capital markets is exposed directly to liquidity risk. When we approach this type of entities the liquidity risk has two main components: (a) the internal liquidity risk, which refers to the possibility that the financing capacity and largely, the cash flow of a specific enterprise that acts on capital markets, to be affected; (b) the market liquidity risk that covers the capacity of reselling financial assets on capital markets. Even though, during the time, these two components of liquidity risk were approached independently, recent studies consider them interdependent. We want to emphasize with this study that in the actual framework of capital markets the two components of liquidity risk should always be analyzed together, in order to provide the best premises for decision makers.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Internal liquidity risk, Market liquidity risk, Capital markets, Financial assets, Cash flow
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
In recent years, public institutions have come to the forefront of the public opinion requesting quality services in the public sector and increased attention to citizens’ needs. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the importance of the development of a customer service management system in the reorganisation of public institutions based on marketing principles while also identifying further research areas regarding satisfaction determinants for public service beneficiaries. The research was conducted through secondary data analysis retrieved from national and international studies regarding the satisfaction of public services beneficiaries. Results suggest that implementing a customer service model leads to a reorientation of public institutions towards relationship marketing. The originality and novelty of this paper lie in the presentation of a new perspective on public institutions based on customer service. The article is relevant in the context of the need for increased citizen trust and efficiency in the public sector.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Marketing, Customer service, Public institutions
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The present study refers to the financing sources of the orthodox clergy in the context of the secularization of monastery estates. The Law on the Secularization of Monastery Estates was adopted and published on 17/29 December 1863. In exchange for the religious assistance offered, the clergy could get from the parishioners money or different donations. Among the financing sources for the clergy we distinguish gifts or the monetary equivalent for services rendered. To the income obtained from the parish where they functioned, the money obtained from different administrative acts issued by the ecclesiastical authorities would also be added. The voluntariate carried out by the parishioners could be viewed as done in the interest of the priest and of the place of worship. The historical event, to which this paper refers, meant for the Romanian clergy the debut of a regime according to which the priest was considered a mere civil servant and the Church entered a period of submission to the state.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Clergy, Financing, Cuza, Secularization, Church
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Models that can be considered for integration into European transport corridors should lead to increased economic efficiency overall consequences thus forming activity necessary conditions to attract corridors and in particular should reduce average costs, generate additional benefits through exploitation. These goals require the development of good strategies and organizational policy and thus improve the structure plan its proper dimensioning features, depending on the weight and leveling activities needed improving capacity use. This paper intends to develop an econometric model to measure the economic efficiency. The model is based on direct and indirect effects of Romania's integration into the Unique European railway area (TEN-T).
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Corridors, Transport, Model, Effects, Econometric
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Sursele strategice reprezintă o abordare sistematică, bazată pe fapte și cifre reale, în vederea optimizării procesului de achiziție, aducând valoare lanțului de aprovizionare. Sursele strategice nu au în vedere doar costul la momentul t0, ci costul total de achiziție (Total Cost of Ownership, TCO) al clientului, cost ce încorporează nevoile clienților, obiectivele companiei, condițiile actuale ale pieței. Furnizorii strategici sunt cei care crează capacitate de producție clientului, oferă disponibilitatea materiilor prime sau ambalajelor conform specificațiilor tehnice, pe baza standardelor și certificărilor de calitate agreate de comun acord. O sursă strategică va oferi cel mai bun produs sau serviciu la cel mai bun preț, nu la cel mai mic cost. Furnizorul nu este o vacă de muls, ci un partener cu ajutorul căruia se creează valoare și se colaborează riguros. Metodologia de cercetare include atât cercetare teoretică și empirică, metodele de cercetare folosite fiind de natura aplicativa, căt și de dezvoltare.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Strategic sources, Planning, Stock management, Production capacity, Performance
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
This study aims to identify the results that children have after the appliance of the new art.23 al. (1) lit. b) of the national education law. According to this the preschool class is part of the primary education. The quantitative research method used the collected data from the school Inspectorate and also from the official documents. These demonstrates that schoolars that have ben enrolled after the reform in education from 2012 and have followed the program of the preschool class have accomodated much easier to the requests of the new environment. This corresponds to the children in such age and offers a schoolar athmosphere.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: School education program, Class preparatory, School environment
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
In the food industry, price is an influential and a key factor in product brand positioning. This importance is even greater as the market analyzed is that of Romania. Since it is at the beginning of its relations with foreign markets compared to other countries, whether they are in the European Union or in Northern America, until a few years ago by Romanian consumers used to choose food products only based on the price and generally just buy the cheapest product, without taking into account other selection criteria. Now the market has developed, however, and there were many changes in behavior. This paper is a theoretical analysis on the influence of prices in the food market, the evolution of its importance due to the effects of the recession, the repercussions of changes in price and variation in behavior due to promotions. Preliminary results show that price is the main benefit by which consumers position food in their mind and that price promotions have an impact on positioning.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Positioning, Price, Positioning Maps, Romania
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
It is known the fact that since the mid-twentieth century, the communication and information technology has dramatically influenced human society and that every time there was a so-called fashionable technology. Presently, the fashionable information technology is Cloud-Computing, which, by its advantages, brought Cloud-Accounting to the life of economic entities. Within this study, we analyse, by means of a survey conducted based on a questionnaire, a total of 125 answers from professional accountants, given the conditions of gradual transition towards Cloud-Accounting. In short, our research shows that among professional accountants in Romania, 99.20% have had a negative experience related to reliability, availability and access to electronic data or archived accounting data, that 96% consider that accountancy with the characteristics of Cloud-Computing would be the ideal solution to the needs of modelling and accounting information and that 88% appreciate as necessary to extend the manifestation of the role of accounting as an information system from the microeconomic level to the macroeconomic one.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Cloud-Computing, Cloud-Accounting, Digital economy, Accounting, Singularity technology
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
This article intends to be a short incursion into the history of the banking system from Oltenia, during 1944-1948. For establishing the place of the financial institutions in the entire national banking and credit system, it was necessary the consulting of a great number of archive documents that kept the most numerous and significant documents, useful for our theme. The materials we have studied (reports, correspondence, minutes, statistic data etc.) have offered us a more ample image on the financial institutions, from the studied area, institutions that contributed, according to their possibilities, to the support of the population with credits, necessary for the productive activities, and the supplying with convenience products.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Oltenia, Nationalization, Banking system, 20th century
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
More than ever doctors are beginning to recognize that beyond impeccable professionalism shown to the patient, equally imports became part of communication, and in one century of the Internet, the most effective communication process moves online, in the social networks. It is important for doctors to develop a personal brand because a reputation, passed with internet speed can only have a positive effect. In a century in which patients make the decision to see a particular doctor, largely based on recommendations and research the forums online discussions, doctors are beginning realize the importance of a strong presence, constant and reliable environment through online networks social priority.
- Type: This is a translation into Romanian of the article published in ”Cross-Cultural Management Journal”, Volume XVI, I2 / 2014
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Personal marketing, Personal brand, Social Networks, Medic, Doctors
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The ceremonial structures of heroic myths have perpetuated in true "histories" of common events, with distinct sacred and ritual charge. Depending on the context of a certain era, the cult of heroes or martyrs - original and ancestral - gave substance to people, nation-states or religions. Many ceremonies and festivals are celebrating and commemorating events or personalities through manifestations built on consecrated scenarios and make use of certain, sacred symbols which function as memory bridges (lieux de mémorire) between generations. The martyrdom of Constantine Brâncoveanu and his sons had its 300th commemoration in 2014. This article aims to analyze, from the perspective of media anthropology, the ceremonial and sacred structures of events that marked the "Brâncoveanu Year" and the construction of Constantin Brâncoveanu’s martyric image as reflected by the press.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Ritual, Ceremonial, Mass-media anthropology, Constantin Brâncoveanu
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
On producing this theme we have relied upon the fantastic theories present in Roger Caillois` work `In the heart of the fantastic ` and in Tzvetan Todorov `s volume `An introduction to the fantastic literature`. Our text aims at interpreting the literary `signs` that are employed in a permanent correlation on the syntagmatic axe and create a field of the imaginary marked by the cathegories of the strange and the fantastic on the paradigmatic axe, present within the novel `The fall into the world` by the well known contemporary writer Constantin Toiu.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Strange, Fantastic, Contradictory sensations, Vulnerability, Absolutely, Unsuspected powers
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
A survey in 2013 of Division Market Research Group Rentrop & Straton Romanian-German - "state services and private clinics. Comparative Analysis ", highlights the fact that into urban population in Romania, the internet is the most popular source of information on health services. According to the survey, 81.9% of respondents use the Internet to find out about the best doctors available to them. Preferences of respondents to the online environment as the main source of information translates into ease of access and the possibility of interaction, but also trust recommendations based on personal experiences, recommendations can be found through discussion forums, mostly or comments left on pages on social networking sites. In the present study we try to emphasize the specificity of communication physician - patient online through social networks.
- Type: This is a translation into Romanian of the article published in ”Cross-Cultural Management Journal”, Volume XVI, I2 / 2014
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Personal marketing, Personal brand, Social Networks, Medic, Doctors
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The purpose of this study is to enrich the Romanian historiographical research concerning the British interest towards the Romanian Principalities in the nineteenth century. Historians such as Paul Cernovodeanu, Radu Florescu, Beatrice Marinescu and Constantin Ardeleanu presented us with different phases of this interest. Two of them, Marinescu and Florescu, also approached the subject of Stratford Canning`s preoccupation towards the Principalities, but Marinescu did not have access to the ambassador`s correspondence with the British State Secretary, the correspondence being at the Foreign Office Archives, while Florescu focused more on the British Consuls`activity in the Principalities than on the activity of the ambassador at Constantinople. Having access to the papers at the British Archives, this study comes to enrich the view of how the Principalities`space was perceived by Great Britain through the work and the diplomatic papers of a British ambassador in the capital of the suzerain power in a time when the Principalities were going through significant changes.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Stratford Canning, Romanian Principalities, British Interests, Anglo-Romanian Relations
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
We started researching on human rights based on the common law (Romanian Constitution, the civil code and the code of civil procedure) and continuing with the particular law, for the prevention of and sanction of all forms of discrimination. In our study we follow the method of protecting human rights in relation to free access to justice, to the abuse of law or procedural rights, non-discrimination and solutions of causes to the European Court of Human Rights.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Drepturile omului, Abuz de drept, Nediscriminare
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The wine, a very complex product in viticulture, has proved its tremendous importance not only to the individual but rational nutrition and increasing national income of a country cultivators (evidenced by the upward trend of the share of crop production horticulture and viticulture in the global economy agricultural). More interesting is, given the continued growth in the number of scientific publications and their quality (at least since the 1980s) - where "wine" is the centerpiece of these studies - we can not but be witnessing a growing interest more to this "potion" and found that the growing popularity of wine in the science reveals the emergence of a new academic field, ie "wine economy" (or wine-economy). This study aims to make a foray into "wine economy" and to outline some of the implications of marketing in this area.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Viticulture, Wine-Economy, Marketing, The Marketing Mix
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Except unwelcoming and unfriendly area of agriculture, in general, Antarctica, all continents meet grape-vine, which is plant trees with the largest expansion around the globe. Wine, the wine produced extremely complex (the composition of the entering over 300 different chemical compounds) has a great importance both rational human nutrition as well as increase the national income of a country cultivators, shown standing figures showing growing share while the global economy horticulture and viticulture crops in agricultural production. Thus, we can appreciate the importance of wine products both from a social and economic one. This study aims to develop a blueprint for the wine sector and to capture its evolution both globally and especially in Europe. We believe that an incursion in the analysis of wine-growing in the world and in Europe leaning on the development of wine production and consumption is particularly useful in our proof is the importance of wine in contemporary society. The study is part of a broader analysis is investigating the applicability of the marketing mix in the wine industry.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Wine sector, Viticulture, Production, Consumption, Commerce
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
This paper aims to analyze the link between unemployment and inflation, on the one hand, and spending on education, on the other hand. The analyzed period is 1996-2010 and the data used provided to the National Institute of Statistics and Eurostat. Were calculated relative change of the final expenditure of households, relative change in the share of education spending in total household consumption while identifying the relationship between these indicators. We calculated the correlation coefficients between these indicators. After analyzing the data it was found that, during 1996-2010, the correlation coefficient between the change in the unemployment rate and the change in the expenditure on education in final consumption of households has a value close to 1, so a direct relationship strong, and the rate of change inflation and the change in the expenditure on education in final consumption of households is negative and close to zero, therefore an inverse, but weak. Therefore, expenditures on education are directly influenced by the evolution of the unemployment rate, but not inflation.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Consumption, Education, Inflation rate, Unemployment rate
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The Medieval Society was conformed to hierarchy, symbol, faith, rituals in which each gesture, word, object or phenomenon had to have an significance. During this epoch dominated by etiquette and rules, ceremonies played an important part. They were organized at the big holidays (Chrismas, The New Year, Twelfth Day, Easter) or when a new ruler was appointed. These celebrations were meant to enhance the communication between ruler and his vassals and this bond between the sovereign and his court was made by the exchange of gifts. According to the context they were offered, the gifts signified different aspects: the generosity of the ruler, his wish to get closer to his subjects, even interest or friendship. Although the circumstances were not the same, the gifts were individualized, depending on the social status of the recipient.Our paper analyses the diversity of the forms which are covered by this practice and also the social and symbolical values it is associated with.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Gifts, Medieval Society, Holidays, Hierarchy, Social and symbolical value
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Authenticity is closely related to the expression of sincere feelings, thoughts, without regard to any rule. Camil Petrescu is a follower of lucidity and absolute sincerity, everything must be under the control of reason, including the most ineffable impulses.The whole work of the writer is an act of existence, Camil Petrescu being trapped in the game without escape of the iele, just like his heroes, searching relentlessly the absolute idea which necessarily involves substantiality.This authenticity blends with the polemic that opposes the writer's own vision to an other vision which seems to him insufficient, inaccurate or false.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Authenticity, Dramaturgy, Polemic
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate a set of structural and qualitative aspects of management accounting and control systems used by Romanian companies. The empirical study was conducted from 09 April 2014, until 12 May 2014 trough applying online questionnaires to a number of 1.887 companies. A total of 58 complete responses have been recorded, with a response rate of 3.07%. The analyzed period was the financial year 2013. Trough this study, the type of management accounting and control system used in practice was shaped, emphasizing the actual stage of resources, instruments and procedures used by Romanian companies. The study represents the first step to an in-depth analysis of the impact of cost accounting and control system over company performance.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Cost accounting system, Cost control system, Information quality, Company informational system, Decisional system
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Fluctuations in financial markets have greatly influenced real economy around the world over the past two decades. The 2008–09 global crisis is the latest in a long list of economic events shaped by cycles in financial markets. Its severity has instantly made the study of financial cycles a central topic of research confirming that peaks in the financial cycle are closely associated with systemic banking crises. The paper discusses the causes of economic cycles and their impact on economy, but also the distinct characteristics of financial cycles by considering the close connection between the financial cycle and financial crises. Given the multidimensional interactions between financial and economic cycles, a close monitoring of cycles in financial markets should be an integral part of macroeconomic surveillance and policy design.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Financial cycles, Business cycles, Recession, Sustainable growth
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The article is a historical trip into the creation of the oldest kind of unspecialized store that exists in the modern commercial landscape and whose pioneering concepts transformed the way in which consumers shop up today. The paper is divided into three sections, each of them contributing to achieve the purpose that is to examine the origins and the business model of the first department store in the world. The paper also enriches our knowledge about the department store and retailing history. In the first section, the author emphasizes on the particular economic context that allowed the creation of big retail surfaces, to the mid-1800s, and describes architecture, atmosphere and retail strategy specific to Bon Marché. In the second section, department store was defined and have been identified its key characteristics. The last section was devoted to the general future trends which can make possible the survival of the department stores in the modern commercial landscape. Finally conclusions were outlined.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Department stores, Retailing, Bon Marché
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
In the current tax evasion is a major phenomenon, with real implications and alarming economic and social life. The causes behind this are numerous, among them: - Size excessive tax burden; - Lack of education of the taxpayer on the one hand and overzealous fiscal organs prone to exaggeration, on the other hand; - A faulty legislation that allows them to circumvent the failure to pay taxes. Measures to combat tax evasion must act in the areas of legislative, administrative and educational. The legislative drafting tax legislation seeks appropriate, clear, concise, stable and consistent. It is also necessary to eliminate or withdrawal of exemptions, reductions and deductions that give rise to multiple interpretations. In terms of administrative measures aimed at creating a comprehensive and operational information system, ensuring adequate administrative structures and instruments effectively combating tax evasion and training specialists with morality and professionalism required of shapes and sizes evasion.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Tax evasion, Contributor, Revenue, Expenses, Taxes, State Budget
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Energy is in the centre of the economic development of each country, setting into motion and fuelling factories, government buildings and offices, schools and hospitals, heating homes and keeping perishable foods cold. Its importance explains its complexity. Energy is source of wealth and competition, base for the political controversies and technological investments, and also the core of the epochal challenges of our global environment. Energy is essential for a sustainable development. Security of supplyis a priority for many countries. In this context, there are more ways through it can be achieved: effective management of the demand, diversification of energy sources and the locations of supply, or even using military presence. Energy security can best be defined as the overlap between economic security, national security and the environmental security. This paper will present the economic component of the energy security concept, its purpose being to analyse the concept of energy security in the world.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Energy security, Energy policy, Economic sustainability
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Knowledgebased organizations means continuous learning, performance and networking. People’s development depends on their lifelong learning. Mentoring combines the need of development and performance of individuals with the organizational ones. Organizations nowadays face difficulties in recruiting and retaining qualified employees. The work force migration is a phenomenon they have to fight constantly. Employees are being faithful to companies that give them an environment suitable for development: supportive, safe, non-judgmental and comfortable. Teamwork and trust in the co-workers enables employees to show their true potential and trial with no fear. This kind of environment can be created through a mentoring program. This paper highlights the importance of mentoring in the knowledge based organizations management. Mentoring helps staff insertion, development and succession planning, increases employee’s motivation and talent retention and promotes organizational culture. This study presents the benefits and drawbacks that mentoring brings to organizations and employees.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Mentoring, Employee retention, Employee motivation, Organizational culture, Succession planning
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The empirical study’s purpose was the analysis of marketing communication tools used by nonprofit and public organizations in sustaining the social cause of child adoption, as part of child protection services. The conceptual framework of the study is based on marketing theory of promotional mix and communication techniques applicable to nonprofit and public institutions. Empirical analyses underlines the correspondence between the level of awareness regarding child adoption services, and communication channels different categories of publics are informed through. The statistical methodology that was used in the conducted research was the analysis of principal components, using the statistical program SPSS 21. Database sample is composed of direct beneficiaries: adoptive parents, friends of adopted parents, respondents who knew cases of adoptions, respondents who were informed through mass-media regarding child adoption and respondents who were not informed about child adoption.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Marketing communications, Public and nonprofit organizations, Child protection services
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Majoritatea studenţilor şi a personalului administrativ din Universitatea “Vasile Alecsandri din Bacău” utilizează aplicaţia UMS pentru gestionarea situaţiei şcolare. Este aplicaţia software special creată şi adresată managementului universitar. În acest studiu se analizează calitatea aplicaţiei UMS prin aplicarea unui chestionar şi analiza factorilor care conduc la o funcţionare eficientă a softului. Asftel prin analiza factorilor şi a subfactorilor care intervin în interacţiunea dintre utilizator şi aplicaţie vom puteam analiza calitatea aplicaţiei. Concluzia temei de cercetare se va concretiza, după modelarea statistică a rezultatelor chestionarului, prin prezentarea unei metode de îmbunătăţire a aplicaţiei.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Quality, Interaction, Soft
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Perioada de recesiune economica este un adevarat moment de revizuire cu maxima responsabilitate a activitatii entitatii economice, de cercetarea si de gasire a oprtunitatilori de diminuare a efectelor factorilor care perturba activitatea. Analiza minutioasa a datelor reflectate in contabilitate si efectuarea mai multor scenarii pot duce la minimizare a efectelor specific perioadei de criza economica.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Informatii contabile, Organizare, Contabilitatii de gestiune, Criza economica, Oportunitati, Strategii
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
In today's business world, competitive advantage reflects the ability of the organization to achieve high performance through proper, effective and efficient management. This paper seeks to propose a conceptual model and the companies considered for this study are chosen from Romania, specifically the multinational ones. The research tries to find what attributes of personality belonging to the components of transformational leadership are responsible for an increase or decrease of management performance. Thus, the methodology of the previous survey goes on identifying if it can establish a causal relationship type “stimulus – effect” (personality to transformational leadership, transformational leadership to management performance). The conclusions for the methodological aspects illustrate on one hand, relationship between transformational leadership and management performance and on the other hand, the profile of the effective transformational leader from multinational companies in the services sector, in the NE region of Romania.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Transformational leadership, Management performance, Organization
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The birth of the First (Socialist) International in 1864 will provide the opportunity for three political thinkers of the Nineteenth Century, each with their own specific societal vision, to cohabit and work together in the same organization. The three historical figures were Karl Marx, Mikhail Bakunin and Giuseppe Mazzini. The association of a democratic republican like Mazzini with the other two personalities, known as the „grey eminences” of the organized socialism, could surprise, but right from his first writings, Mazzini used to pay attention to the social problems of his time, conceiving politics as an activity that could not be dissociated from the economic and social order. The International was the playground of a skirmish between the three historical figures, an ideological debate on concepts like „private proprety”, „dialectical materialism” or „nationality”. The dispute was between Mazzini on one side, and Marx and Bakunin on the other, till 1868 when a cleavege was noticed even between the last two.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Political Philosophy, Nation, Liberty, Class Struggle
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The experience in the Republic of Moldova during 2010-2014 period to implement the National Strategy of Regional Development, has demonstrated the need to develop monitoring and evaluation methodology of these strategy, and put accent on the development of regional statistics, on the indicators of projects, regions and the national level, on the development of methodology for assessing the impact of the projects, to ensure the dissemination of results in monitoring and evaluation by placing the information on the website of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction and Regional Development Agencies in periodic newsletters. To ensure transparency in monitoring and evaluation in the implementation of regional development policy confirms the responsibility of actors involved in the area, condition the right to take effective measures to correct the activities which do not correspond to the policy and provides the opportunity to examine the dynamics of the processes of socio-economic development of the regions.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Regional development, Policies, Strategies, Monitoring, Evaluation
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The problem of protecting the rights and interests of individuals, being consumers in loan agreements, against malpractice, was nationally raised in 1992 and at the community’s level by the Council Directive 87/102/EEC in the 22nd of December 1986 balancing laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the member states concerning consumer credit, laying down rules at the European Union’s level concerning consumer credit contracts. Ratified in 1992 by 12 European states, the Maastricht Treaty, shall fall into force in the following year, 1993. The novelty elements brought by the Treaty of Maastricht, besides the political union, points at the introduction of a common currency, European civic rights, but not least, the intensification of European Union’s consumer protection. Harmonization of the general conditions governing consumer credit The purpose of this study to identify the legal framework governing unfair terms in the sequence of their appearance at a national and European Union’s level and the implementation and harmonization with the general conditions governing consumer credit.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Law, Unfair terms, European union’s consumer protection, Conditions harmonization, Bank loan contract, Consumer
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
According to the abuse, unfair terms, contract, bank loan credit, consumer, professional, the concept of abuse is defined as a violation of law; an illegal act. The synonyms dictionary Synonyms (2002) sees abuse as an excess. From the NODEX perspective, abuse is defined as: 1) lack of measure; everything beyond normal limits; excess; 2) jur. violation of the law; illegal act; actthat someone performs by exceeding its powers. In the case of bank loan contracts, we believe that the abuse of power takes the form of contractual terms imposed by breaking the natural order and the contract’s drafting principles, in a properly articulated decisive way, commissioned by one holding it, namely by the party holding the dominant position.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Abuse, Unfair terms, Contract, Bank loan credit, Consumer, Professional
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The principle of local autonomy, as right and capacity of local authorities to address and manage public issues, on behalf of and in the interests of the local communities they represent, requires meeting the following cumulative conditions: recognition of the legal personality of the local communities and the election of their administrative authorities. The author brings arguments relevant to point out that local authorities must have the power of self-regulation, contractual freedom and adequate financial resources. Local autonomy limits are imposed by the need to respect the character of the decentralised unitary State and are guaranteed through the administrative control exercised by the central power. The originality of this article lies in the fact that the analysis of the legal texts was done in correlation with how they have been applied by the courts, particular relevance being given by the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Local communities, Local authorities, Competence, State
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Progresul unei societăți, indiferent unde se află poziționată aceasta pe glob, depinde în mod fundamental de o serie de condiții, printre care se numără și asumarea unui anumit set de valori morale. În lipsa acestora, istoria o dovedește prin multiple exemple, există întotdeauna riscul pervertirii progresului uman și creării unor forme de civilizație care, în pofida atingerii anumitor performanțe de ordin tehnologic, nu permit crearea unui model social viabil pe termen lung. Mediocritatea socio-economică și totalitarismul politic se numără printre efectele nedorite ce însoțesc adesea periplul istoric al unor asemenea societăți, fragile din punctul de vedere al profilului axiologic asumat.
- Type: Book Review
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Dincolo de intersectarea cu viața, școala poate fi un mod de viață, un ethos social cu aspecte care privesc analiza noastră imediată. Fracturi ale iconologiei clasice legată de școală pot provoca, la un timp, motive de reflecție. Pentru prezentul material, un astfel de moment de viață mi-a provocat reacția. Pauza de ora 10.00, până de curând, în orice școală din România era marcată de „programul cornul și laptele”, atenția alimentară care transmitea în contextul școlii un mesaj, discret dar sistemic, asupra grijii Statului- un soi de ingenuă chemare la legalizarea statutului fiecărui cetățean român drept „asistat social”. Copiii mâncau sau se jucau cu alimentele, cadrele didactice, învățătoare ori profesoare, priveau sau se retrăgeau în colțuri de cancelarii. Nu păreau să conteze pentru ordonatorii de direcții sociale, atenți la capitalizarea relației cu elevii, deloc cu profesorii. Apoi anul 2013 a consemnat un crescendo al informației negative la adresa a trei profesii 100% vocaționale: cadrele didactice, cadrele medicașle și preoții. Merită o cercetare mai adâncă iconologia urâtului prin care aceste 3 direcții profesionale au fost ranforsate în mentalul colectiv. Și aceasta în vreme ce adevărații dușmani ai frumosului social, ne-au dovedit analizele DNA, ocupă funcții politice, ocupau rezervațiile socio-politice ale instituțiilor politice din Țară.
- Type: Editorial
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
"Europe is nothing but a common Will Of Those who live in it, through a common vocation ... European unity is the European spirit." (Bernard Voyenne) Defined as a "political and economic partnership unique in the world", gathering together 28 member states, the European community Determined since the Beginning of Significant interest. The consistent impact in the field of economic and social inequities generates a strong debate in the member states over the enlargement process. The convergence or divergence regional development impact and perspectives relevant Became the Cohesion policy issues and subsequently Became one of the base Priorities of the EU. Main focus of this policy WAS social and economic disparities reducing Between member states and regions, Sustainable Development and equal Opportunities. In this perspective the present study intend to analyze the main strands of cohesion policy of Estonia and the results obtained in 2007-2013.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Cooperation, European Union, Member States, Cohesion Policy, Estonia
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
This paper proposes a comparative analysis of two novels written at second person: La modification by Michel Butor and Late education by Mihai Zamfir. The romanian second person prose being a modern phenomenon that encompasses numerous examples in the Romanian literature also, has become increasingly appreciated. The analysis that we perform we will focus on how the intersubjectivity process is accomplished in both texts through narrative YOU, that becomes a form of alter-ego. Following the storyline and the construction of the characters in the two novels we will notice how the action is designed from the second person point of view. We will also try to determine the differences and similarities between the two texts proposed. Ultimately, we will identify the manner in which the phenomenon of second person prose has evolved from experiment to an innovative process in the literature.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Second person prose, Intersubjectivity, Point of view, Novel
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Building strategic partnerships between organizations from different countries, opening the borders and increasing the possibilities of emigration in Europe determined the appearance of a large number of employees with different cultural backgrounds in organizations. Relating to interculturality, information systems have a crucial role by establishing the link between the recruiter and candidate, and vice versa. It represents a communication bridge, relating the two cultures, employer’s culture and employee’s culture. The space between the two cultures can be explored, negotiated and finally accepted by both entities using specialized information systems. The purpose of this paper is to define intercultural recruitment process, to identify intercultural problems in recruitment and to show the intercultural role of information systems in recruitment process. This article highlights the importance of creating a cultural space through information systems, from the recruitment phase, because it reduces the costs and the integration of the two cultures.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Recruitment, Interculturality, Employee’s culture, Employer's culture, Information systems
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Previous studies conducted over companies from the Timis County indicate a negative correlation between the autonomy ratio and the bankruptcy risk. At the same time, high values of the autonomy ratio could have a negative effect on the return on equity. The current study aims to evaluate the relationship between the autonomy ratio and the return on equity. The target population included all the companies from the Timis County that have submitted financial statements to the fiscal authorities for the period 2007 – 2010, reporting positive equity and annual sales of over 10,000 lei. The research has thus employed 33,064 yearly financial statements. Considering the relationship between the autonomy ratio and the bankruptcy risk as well as the relationship between the autonomy ratio and the return on equity, it is concluded that the optimum value of the autonomy ratio is placed within the interval [50%; 100%].
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Autonomy ratio, Return on equity, Bankruptcy, Financial statements, Benchmark, Financial analysis
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The Internet has become essential in linking the brand with consumers. This enables them to share their opinions, preferences or experiences with others. The paper seeks to provide the concept of word-of-mouth, starting from the definition, characteristics, to manifestation in the online environment and the effects on consumer behavior, creating opportunities for word-of-mouth marketing. Social Media become important in building a brand, as consumer reactions can be decisive in enhancing or destroying it. For effective use of social media tools, brands need to identify the influential people among consumers, to capture the recommendations received from the users and measure their impact.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Word-of-mouth, Social media, Recommendation
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
In this paper the authors aim to analyze the impact of the implementation of the quality system based on ISO 9001:2008, on the overall efficiency of the organizations. For this purpose non-quality costs will be defined, classified and evaluated and there will be made relevant proposals for highlighting and quantifying them. The approach is focused on studying the effects of the failures in quality and the cost of these failures, but also on non-quality and its assessment methodology and benchmarks to monitor the progress in improving quality. At the end of the paper some methods are proposed to improve the control of non-quality costs.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Quality system, Quality costs, Non-quality, Non-quality assessment, Total quality management
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The quick development of science and technique within the information society we live in automatically involves the necessity of paradigm shift in the making of the young generation. At a European level, there is an interest for the use of participative teaching strategies based on experiments, cooperation and the stimulation of creativity. We are, thus, in a situation that must lead to rethinking the teaching strategies in order to ensure a natural dynamics in the evolution of our education system. The current article wants to underline the need for using the constructive strategies when studying Economics, as well as the feedback of the participants in this new teaching, respectively learning process. The objective will be met with the help of an empirical study carried out in a High School of Economics.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: concept maps, teaching strategies, constructive strategies
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
This article outlines the Romanian and foreign studies carried on concerning the subject of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). The help given to a colleague when necessary he/she needs it, giving up to a better job offer made by competing firms, continous training, all of these define the organizational citizenship behavior and support a proper organizational functioning. Nowadays the concept of „organizational citizenship behavior ” known also as „devoted soldier syndrome” is an unfamiliar term for many managers. As far as managers are concerned they consider that organizational citizenship behavior is almost impossible to be applied in Romanian organizations. This article prezents a detailed study about Organizational Citizenship Behavior expressed by employee in health and how much of this behavior may be predicted by the age and gender of the employees from medical organizations.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Organizational citizenship behavior, Professional performance, Organizational loyalty
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Anyone who has studied poverty cannot help but be struck by the importance of family and community as enduring resources for those in need. Poverty is a perennial problem in world history, but over time its causes have shifted from local issues like natural disasters or warfare to more global economic issues which impact on available resources, systems of distribution and potential solutions. This paper focuses upon the period from around 1500 onward when poverty became a global issue, and uses the process of globalization as the chief lens through which to study and understand poverty in world history. The result is an examination of changing attitudes toward poverty and poor relief throughout centuries.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Poverty, Famine, Charity, Globalization
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Ad campaigns created in-house in Benetton - United Color of Benneton, by Oliviero Toscani, the a known avant-garde photographer, made around the world to talk about the company for over 20 years. Black woman breastfeeding a white child, an AIDS photographed faces of dying or sentenced to death in American prisons are some of the most controversial advertising images of the past decade. The steps of the original communication- or socking- were appreciated and rewarded socially, professionally, but were denied exposure in certain cultural contexts undergo hardship mentality. The proposed theme is extremely vast and pointing neuralgic issues of the contemporary world (racism, the death penalty, intercultural conflicts, migration, pollution) generated both adhesion and support, as well as violent reactions.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Interculturalitate, Marketing, Marketing campaigns, Benetton, Brand
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
In order to support the economic development in Romania, it is a must to win the battle against corruption, through prevention and degression of the causes, especially where the exposure is greater. This article presents several ways through which public procurement system from Romania can become a successful model in Europe and support for the economic development of the country. In order to find improvement solutions of the public procurement system in Romania, research has been done on the ability to ensure optimal transparency of Electronic Public Procurement System, on the main disruptions at public administration, also on the system’s "health", in terms of the appeals evolution.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Economic development, Fraud indicators, Procurement, Appeals
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Globalization has structured a process of expansion, the acceleration of global interconnections in all aspects of social and economy right to impose a certain behavior identity as both participant and beneficiary of globalization. In that context, globalization imposes a time constraint on space and all this is done through global communication systems, so that people from different countries, the new global society, come to share certain common values and live in certain events, even the religious. Global transformations led to a resizing of identity, both individual ones, both of the individual and of the collective, whether it is national identity, political, cultural, religious or otherwise, but has generated, while reactions defense of these identities, or attempted reconstruction of new identities.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Globalization, Global society, Cultural diversity, Religion, Identity
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of literature on student engagement with school. There is a large agreement on the predictive role that individual differences in student engagement with school plays in relation to a wide range of educational outcomes and to general adjustment. Numerous empirical studies have attempted to explain how individual characteristics of students (e.g., gender, academic motivation, school-related self-efficacy etc.), family environment (e.g., parent social support, aspirations of parents concerning the adolescents’ school trajectory or quality of adolescent-parents relationship), and the school/classroom climate (e.g., social support from teachers and peers, autonomy granted to students, quality of instructional practices etc.) impact student engagement with school and the academic achievement/performance. This paper summarizes the existing literature on antecedents and positive outcomes of student engagement with school. The implications for educational practice and policy makers are discussed.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Engagement with school, Personal factors, Contextual factors, Developmental and educational outcomes
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
The promissory note represents credit title under private signature, which is regulated by the Law no.58 / 1934 on bills of exchange and promissory notes, subsequently amended by Law no. 83/1994. The promissory note is a cashless payment instrument that takes the form of a printed double sided, on which is labeled information according to the regulations of NBR. Promissory notes issued by the NBR Printing and are approved by Department of Payment and Settlement Bank. In practice, the promissory note is used as cashless payment instrument which necessarily contains the name of the payer and the payee, and it represents unconditional order to pay a specified amount at a certain place at a precise date. The promissory note represents the solution to fluidize commercial transactions.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Cambia, Commercial, Transactions, Title credit, Drawing, Beneficiary
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
This paper investigates the soundness and performance of the banking systems from seven non-euro EU countries, outlining the particularities of each sector. Another objective of this paper is to examine the main determinants of bank soundness in the Romanian sector, taking into consideration bank-specific and macroeconomic factors. To account for bank profitability and soundness, it was used both a comparative and an empirical analysis, the period studied being 2004-2012. The main results showed that the financial world is currently under the sign of profound changes, which were generated by the mutations in the international economic sphere. Finally we consider that the analysed banking systems are facing historical changes, being necessary a reconfiguration of the banking sector, towards a new business model, a stricter regulatory and more transparent framework, and a comprehensive mix of economic policies.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Financial crisis, Bank performance, Financial soundness indicators
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
From the first applications to this day, expert systems have obtained remarkable results in many areas, by using knowledge extracted and transferred from human experts. The main reason behind the advent of expert systems was the potential to provide recommendations to a large number of users. In today’s world, the spread of the Internet and web applications generated an exponential growth of the quantity of information that needs to be processed by an increasing number of users. Under these circumstances emerged the convergence of web technologies with expert systems, resulting in the category of web based expert systems. The potential of traditional expert systems was harnessed by using web technologies, offering new ways of disseminating expertise and knowledge to a mass audience. In this paper we will first review base concepts and features of traditional expert systems and then point out the benefits brought by the development and the use of web based expert systems.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Expert System, Web technologies, Benefits
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
This book review is concerning the book of «The current problems of humanity: A sociological perspective on the population" published in French language. This editorial is a reflection of interest to researchers in a very modern contemporary field, namely the crisis facing whole humanity. Thus, the fact of providing a unified view of the phenomenon of man is very important. This paper presents the most important impacts of the crisis, especially on the social life of people, and planned to overcome pathological situations by promoting activities sociological solutions. Through scientific analysis of the dimensions of the crisis, important data is provided on employment, industrial production, health, family and youth. In other words, these data provide a comprehensive picture of the phenomenon and the real benefits specialists and the general public. This book signed by a group of academics in the University of Craiova; Adrian Otovescu, Gabriela Motoi and Maria Cristina Frăsie, under the coordination of the Professor Dumitru Otovescu University professor at the Faculty of law and Social Sciences in the University of Craiova.
- Type: Book Review
- Published on: 1st November, 2014
- Keywords: Problems of humanity, Crisis, Social life, Phenomenon of man
- Final revision and acceptance: 15th October, 2014
Cu toate că în baza reglementărilor contabile în vigoare întreprinderile mici și mijlocii nu au obligativitatea întocmirii situației fluxurilor de numerar, aceasta poate fi utilă tuturor stakeholderilor. În lipsa unor module specifice în cadrul aplicațiilor informatice de evidență contabilă, elaborarea post-factum a situației fluxurilor de numerar prin metoda directă este extrem de dificilă. Modelele dezvoltate prin metoda indirectă rămân în aceste condiții o opțiune viabilă. Un număr ridicat de astfel de modele prezintă însă deficiențe în materie de detaliere, omisiuni ale unor fluxuri importante sau erori conceptuale. Prezentul studiu propune un model de tablou al fluxurilor de numerar dezvoltat prin metoda indirectă. Acesta poate fi elaborat folosind exclusiv informațiile furnizate de bilanțul contabil și contul de profit și pierdere, oferind atât gradul ridicat de detaliere necesar în abordările post-factum, cât și acuratețea perfectă în explicarea variației trezoreriei de activ necesară în abordările previzionale.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Cash-flow, Indirect method, Financial analysis, Financial statements, Financial management
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
Romanian banking system recorded a negative rate of return in recent years. Therefore, this study focuses on identifying the main factors which contributed to decline of profitability in Romanian banks in the last years so that possible weaknesses and vulnerabilities to be corrected and removed. For this purpose we first did a review of the literature on bank performance studies and classification of profitability determinants followed by an empirical study. The empirical study was applied on 16 romanian banks for the period 2006 – 2012 and take into account bank-specific factors, industry-specific factor and macroeconomic factors. The estimation results suggest that profitability of Romanian banks, measured by return on average assets, is strongly influenced by the capital adequacy, the ratio of non-performing loans, deposit and cost-to-income ratio. Regarding industry-specific factor and macroeconomic factors the results are as we expected but without a statistically significant relationship.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Profitabilitate bancară, Factori determinanți,Sistemul bancar românesc, Rentabilitatea activelor
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
The financial crisis has prompted a rethinking of regulations on the capital held by banks but also its quality. Accordingly, banks will have to meet certain capital requirements under Basel III timetable. This paper focuses on understanding the concept of Structure of bank capital because regulation by setting minimum capital levels influence the choice of capital structure by banks (involuntary decisions). Voluntary decisions on bank capital structure coincide with those of non-financial firms, and therefore they have the same determinant factors.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Structura capitalului Sistem bancar Reglementarea capitalului
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
Along with the economic globalization, economics must decode a more complex reality, to which classical answers are no longer helpful. Due to excessive abstraction and mathematical representation, the economic and social phenomena are partially analyzed and understood - after the delimitation from the political context that has driven and maintained them. We notice that, throughout history, global economic relations have always been altered by the achievement instinct or by the desire for power; that markets and natural order had been violated due to the interventionist factor which takes various forms: the state, the elites or groups animated by particular interests. That is why conspiracy theories can be starting points in analyzing our world, by underlying specific political and economic interests that govern the public decision system. This paper aims to plead for introducing conspiratorial reasoning in economics; a reasoning that rejects total hazard and the limits imposed by the study of unintended consequences of economic phenomena.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Conspiracy theory, Conspiratorial reasoning, Economics
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
Numerous works of practical psychology urges to form positive thinking and have a positive language, sometimes proving optimism led to the extent possible, given that there are less publicized studies on the limits of these practices or on some effects, contrary to popular belief. Although we are promoters of positive language, we propose that, by means of this article, to point out some aspects regarding the risks of using without discrimination of this type of communication having unrealistic expectations. Our study is based on published results of research in this regard, then focusing on domestic issues that can define the context in which positive language has its undesirable consequences. For example, although the praise encourages and criticism demoralizes, not all praises fulfill the same role as between praise and criticism, there are many possible attitudes.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Limits, Positive language, Communication, motivation
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
The first three decades of the previews century have been strongly marked by ideological, political and existential disputes between countries, social classes and groups. Marxist ideas were being intensely promoted at the time, while the biggest dispute was more related to the way in which wealth was distributed across different social classes rather than the way in which value was created. However, the main theme of this study has a contemporary part; The attempt to make a comparison analysis between the economic situation of the 1930s and the current situation of the global economy can be justified using the social, economic, political and other related perspectives that an economic crisis can induce upon countries, organizations and individuals alike. The policies adopted eight decades ago by various governments, central banks and other public institutions, including the population’s reaction along crisis years at the time could lead to a better understanding of such phenomena and the finding of further solutions in an attempt to overcome the current global economic crisis.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: ciclu economic, criză economică, economie naţională, progres, prosperitate
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
Owed to its cryptic character and words plasticity, the slang has always manifested an attraction upon the linguists and not only. By means of a case study, this present article emphasizes that the main enrichment source of the Romanian slang is the Romanian language itself, thus contradicting the superficial idea that the slang would be supplied primary by the words deriving from the Romany language and last hour words borrowed from English. Of the 3870 slang words under analysis, 1558 are of Roman origin (inherited Latin, literary Latin, French, Italian or double Romanic etymology) which represents a 41,2% percentage, as opposed to words such as „a cardi”, „a ciordi”, „a mardi”, „mucles”, „mişto” etc., which represent a mear 3,6% percentage.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: slang, etymology, unknown etymology, Latin language, French language, Slavic language, Turkish language, Romany language
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
The study in case makes part of the similar efforts at national and international level concerning health state and its determinants. Since it is a social desirable phenomenon, a person`s health state is a susceptible element of developing life standard and productivity or not, of prolonging active life and implicitly reducing public expenses for holidays, sick-ness alimonies or any other forms of social support. The starting point of our study has regarded the question at what degree health state is a determinant and a predictor of personal life quality or, opposite, a determinant of the last one. The study focuses on the identification and explanation of certain behavioural models, the life styles present in a specific geographical area, in our case-the superior basin of Moldavian Bistrita. All these are meant to explain the disparities and/or the mutual elements existent in the urban and rural environments of this study area, and the possible “endemisms” present in this area.
- Type: Traducere a articolului din ”Cross-Cultural Management Journal”
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Declared health status, Perceived health status, Determinants of health, Lifestyle, Geographical disparities
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
Entrepreneurs are the engine of growth and a key source of jobs. Entrepreneurship is a way of thinking, to find motivation and act under the impulse to exploit opportunity in a holistic approach and a balanced leadership. An entrepreneurial culture refers to a system of shared values, beliefs and norms of members of an organization, including valuing creativity and tolerance of creative people, believing that innovating and seizing market opportunities are appropriate behaviours to deal with problems of survival and prosperity, environmental uncertainty, competitors, threats and expecting organizational members to behave accordingly. Entrepreneurial education at all levels can be a vehicle of change. Entrepreneurial skills have been identified as desirable any European citizen regardless of training available as part of cultural enhancement (individual level), social and economic (in the community/region).This paper brings forward the cultural dimensions of Hofstede's model and specific features Romanian entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial environment revealed by the latest studies in the field of public or private institutions.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Cultural dimensions, Entrepreneurial culture, Entrepreneurial education
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
"Personal Brand" is a new marketing term and a particularity of the concept highlighted, especially in terms of two components : on the one hand individual man and on the other hand the marketing efforts that are made by each individual partly in order to build a personal and professional image. Amid a deep specialization, any professional, regardless of specialization, must build around him powerful integrated communication campaigns and marketing to highlight and make him eligible to the consumers in the area of services offered. Personal brand is what a man wants to do to get out of the anonymity of his profession, to be noticed in a particular environment or for a particular cause . Packaging is very important, but the content is definitive and he is the one who gives the final grade to product and the service.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Marketing, Brand personal, retele de socializare
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
The budget process includes all actions and measures taken by the competent public authorities, in order to materialize the objectives of economic and financial policy implemented by the executive. By default, the budgetary process involves mobilizing public funds in the general government and their subsequent allocation in the provision of public goods and services and in line with the government program, as they were developed by the executive and approved by the legislature. The budget process is a sequence of steps consisting in the development, approval, execution, completion, control and report on budget execution. The budget process each year ends with the approval of the general account of its implementation.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Proces bugetar, venituri, cheltuieli, proiect de buget, execuţie bugetară, control
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
The human rights’ legal protection has been analyzed as debate into several scientific conferences, articles, monographs etc. Most of the time, this subject has been considered interdisciplinary, by reference to some adjacent areas, such as: history, law or economics. Analyzing some of those approaches, I've found that theoretical researches frequently capture only the interpretation of the law in the courts. Concerning judicial practice, lately, we report to the courts of the European Union themselves, almost exclusively. The term called custom is rarely remembered in these studies and then is addressed in a different way, also the references to the Court outside the EU. In the context of evolution a recent history take affects international intra-EU and extra-EU, I think that is very important to know the law of other states regarding the protection of human rights. This is necessary in order to be able to understand the legal rule and support its correct implementation, at least from own citizens.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Human rights, Custom, Law, Case Law
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
New branches of tourism continues to grow along with the globalization of environmental policy, that's exactly why agritourism promotes returning to rural areas, recreational and farm activities, through which people assured longevity. In Romania, the sector attracts more and more tourists because it keeps many rural cultural heritage elements, combined with the beauty of the landscape and the harmony that is created through inter-human relationship. However, these services require sustained investments for conservation, but also for promotion. In this paper I wish to underline the major advantages of agritourism in boosting socio-economic development of the country and to customize certain strategies to succeed in managing this type of agritourism services.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Agritourism services, Rural areas, Socio-economic development, Investments
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
In Romania there are 37 vineyards with 123 wine centers, plus 40 independent wine centers located outside the vineyards. The varietal vineyards are very diverse, offering to industry the chance (mostly fruitless) to produce a wide range of quality wines. Specialists consider that Romania can produce up to 402 different types of wine, of which 11 consumption, 42 superior wine categories( VS ) and 349 with designation of origin , including degrees of quality. The largest wine-growing area focuses in Muntenia and Oltenia where 110,000 hectares are planted with vines. Moldova is the second pool of Romanian wine , vineyards totalling over 90,000 hectares. Dobrogea is the third wine region, with plantations established on about 25,000 hectares. Vineyards in Banat and Crisana , with approximately 17,000 hectares in operation are on the fourth position, while holdings in Transylvania, with areas totalling 14,000 hectares , make this province the fifth region in terms of the areas planted with wine grapes.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: producatori, strategii, clienti, piata, fidelizare, specializare
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
For the macro environment study of a company is customary to include the following factors : socio - cultural, economic , legal , political , technological and natural . All these factors are closely interdependent , economic factors being of particular importance. Therefore in this study we aim to highlight the most important factors that influence the activity of the Moldovan wine companies , starting from the brand of the company to the staff employees. Unemployment is one of the most serious economic and social failures. A high unemployment rate signifies an imbalance in the labourmarket , which automatically leads to an imbalance in the goods and services . Inflation is a difference between money and supply of goods and services and has the effect, among other things, reducing the purchasing power of the monetary unit and hence of the nominal income , and subtracting the loans.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: factori legislativie, factori socio- culturari, somaj, inflatie, preturi, curs valutar
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
As it’s stated in the title, the objective of this article is to analyze the concept of groupism in Japan, which is considered the foundation of management in the Japanese archipelago. The main issues discussed refer to the appearance, the groupism spirit and its importance in Japanese society and company. In order to present the differences between the Japanese and the Western style of management, we’ve realized a comparative analysis between the two types of companies, in terms of belonging to the group and the interactions within it. The final part of the article shows the importance of consensus and the phases of managerial decision by consensus within Japanese companies.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: grupism, management japonez, consensul - ringisei Groupism, Japanese management, Consensus, Ringisei
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
In the context of economic and financial crisis triggered in EU by autumn 2008, Romania's banking system like that in the other European countries, faced with the consequences of decreasing the standard of living the worsening of purchasing power (in terms of retail) and with gaps and delay occurred in the payment of corporate clients. The deteriorated quality of bank investments, the increasing of non-performing loans in bank portfolios, ultimately caused the accumulation of excessive risks within the banks. On the background of the crisis, the impact of Basel III is not only a financial regulation that is applicable to the banking industry; it will also determine the profitability of the banking system. Through this study, we propose a series of measures applicable to the credit institutions to mitigate the impact of alignment with the new capital requirements.
- Type: Traducere a articolului din ”SEA - Practical Application of Science” nr. 3 / 2014
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Risk Management, Banking system, Basel III, Capital requirements
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
Regulation of human behavior differs from one political system to another, although bio- psychological characteristics of individuals are identical in every society. Anthroponomy allows us to argue from a scientific point of view that these bio- psychological characteristics substantiate the legal normative systems and non-legal systems and allow us to define individual rights and freedoms, from the axionomic point of view, as values of its political existence. From a politonomic point of view, " natural right " of human is manifested only in the legal normative system or non-legal system, if and only if, it is recognized and guaranteed by a political institution called the state. Operational value of anthroponomy lies in the foundation of "homo juridicus" as a person exercising his rights and freedoms by virtue of the universality of the human condition. Anthroponomy allows us to find a legal solution for euthanasia: from a politonomic point of view, there's a human freedom to abandon its own existence, but from the ideonomic point of view, this would mean denying our right to exist.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Ideonomy, Political phenomenology of law,Politonomy,Socionomy
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
The article provides a number of issues involved in defining manipulation, because both in the current language as in the specialty literature, the manipulation notion is used with multiple significations, often contradictory ones, and that it’s not firmly delimited by other notions from the same sphere, like persuasion or propaganda. The aim of the article will be, in the end, removing ambiguity that surrounds this concept and offering a better understanding of its very real effects on human lives. We advance and sustain the hypothesis that manipulation is an illegitimate process, justified by the structure of the human conscience and by the mechanisms of the social life. In addition, the paper provides a concrete example of manipulation of public through advertising contracts offered by Roşia Montană Gold Corporation. Finally conclusions were outlined.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Manipulation, Influence, Persuasion, Advertising
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
Problem Statement. Teaching style is the expression (form of expression) of preferred behavioral modalities who return with some regularity in the work of teacher (E.Geissler), Purpose of Study. The intention of this paper is to identify a pattern of expression interact between two dimensions-professional of primary school teachers: the dominant teaching style and the dominant authority type of each teacher. I opted for a classification according to the particular act of communication: emotional-improvising style, emotional-methodical style, rational-improvising style and rational-methodical style. Methods. To identify the dominant teaching style was built a questionnaire consisting of 16 questions. The second questionnaire was proposed for a self-evaluative kind of authority expressed in the daily professional work. To identify the dominant type of authority were updated two classifications: traditional axis authoritarian - democratic - laissez-faire and a classification inspired by John RP French and B. Raven expert authority, rewards, position and personal. In this investigation were involved 30 teachers for primary education. Findings and Results. Exists a moderate correlation between rational-improvising style and authoritarian and position styles of authority. Also, indicates significant statistical connection between rational-improviser teaching style and authoritarian, democratic and expert teacher’s authority. The indexes indicate statistical connections moderate correlation between rational-methodical style and personal authority. The indexes of correlation indicates significant statistical link between emotional-improvisational style teaching styles and reward and expert authority. The indexes indicate statistical connections moderate correlation between emotional-style improvisation and styles of authority laissez-faire, and his model.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Teaching style, Authority style, statistical corellantion
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
The last decades regional development processes initiated by European countries, have aimed at relaunching economic and social development, the economic recovery of low developed areas, discrepances reducing among the regions levels of development. Regional decentralization interacts with the economic growth, this relationship enabling to imagine national and regional competences of public authorities, resulting in institutional structures. Regionalization action that has taken place in Europe is the result of a series of events and activities that lead to regions establishment in a territory, the forms of regionalization in European states being in correspondence with political and administrative realities in the countries reffered to. The study presents the main variants of regionalization in the EU countries and their basic characteristics resulting from the degree of decentralization, the competences granted to regional powers, the institutions involved. There are also presented some considerations on how the regional systems have evolved and adapted in relation to their degree of autonomy, such as reflected in the recent experiences of some European countries.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Regionalization, Decentralization, Autonomy, Forms of regionalization
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
In the current period in Romania, an efficient organization is closely linked to unstable environment appropriate management practice specific to transition. An important role in this process is for strategic and tactical decisions that should facilitate increased efficiency in the use of material resources, human, financial and information. Faced with an often hostile environment, entrepreneurs are increasingly being forced to make decisions under uncertainty and risk. Final result depends on the acquisition of essential attributes of professionalism and initiative as the foundation of efficient decision-making. Functionality and viability of organizations cannot be conceived outside the decision-making accordingly. Appropriateness and effectiveness of decisions contributes decisively to increase the efficiency of the management process.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Decizie, management, resurse, proces, eficienţă, eficacitate
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
A system for measuring the economic and financial performance plays an important role in managing a business, because it provides the information necessary for decision making and launching of various actions. Tools and indicators for measurement and evaluation of economic and financial performance measures not only economic and financial performance, they are often integrated with policy, strategy, and many other aspects of behavior. Nowadays, complexity management forces managers to look at economic entities financial and economic performance under different angles either profitability or productivity, especially by creating value for shareholders and interest groups. As witch from one measurement system focused on financial parameters to another is only one aspect of change, have also gone to a new management style, participatory performance. The purpose of performance measurement company is multiple: to identify results that success or failure, to identify whether customer needs are met, to help the entity to understand its processes and to confirm what is known or to reveal what is not known, to identify where there are problems and where improvements are needed.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: corporate diversification, performance measurement system, corporate governance, conflicts of interest
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
The article analyses the demographic evolution of an important urban centre from Moldova in the XVIIIth-XIXth centuries and the causes of its decline during the last century. The locality of Târgu Ocna has represented for 300 years the main urban settlement from the Basin of Trotuş, since it was developing relevant economic activities, which attracted major contingent of population. Târgu Ocna remains a small provincial fair (12.000-14.000 inhabitants), in which youngsters were prevailing, after the appearance of the city of Oneşti nearby after 1950. The population of the town was reaching a maximum of 16.000 inhabitants in the year 1992, in the post-revolutionary period, while the industry was performing in normal parameters, at the end of the decade there were starting to feel the first effects of the local industry reorganization, which imposed the appearance of a high number of unemployed persons, many had to leave the settlement because of the lack of jobs.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Târgu Ocna, Population, Number of inhabitants
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
Credit risk is one of the main risks faced by a bank. This kind of risk is generated by the crediting activity of the clients. To manage the credit risk, banks should identify the sources of the risk and to monitor their exposures. These activities mean a better knowledge of the existing and potential clients and their financial situations, by implementing new scoring methods. Also, to avoid the credit risk or to reduce losses, the banks could increase the value of guarantees required in regular credit activities, their periodically reassessment and the periodical analysis of the ability of customers to generate cash flows (for corporate clients) and get constant income (for retail customers) to provide repayment of credits. This paper aims to prevent and to analyze several measures of credit risk management and it assume that banks on the Romanian banking market and to identify some indices used for customers analysis.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Credit risk management, corporate customers, retail customers, commercial banks
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
In the present research I will analyze the reactions and opinions of the interviewed persons regarding the efficiency of mass media in United States of America and also it will be analyzed the impact of media on the economic, social and politic systems in United States of America. At the same time, it is followed the presentation of some comparisons between the public media companies and the private ones, in which concerns the generated impact. Thereby, I will use the interview as a qualitative research method, to confirm or infirm the hypothesis of the present research. a)Mass media has a strong impact on the american economy, due to the very high budgets allocated for this field b)Mass media has an increased influence on the american society, having the role to initiate and promote a series of social campaigns addressed to american citizens c)The political parties generate a negative influence on media organizations from U.S.A.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Mass media, U.S.A., impact
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
The credit is a source for financing consumption as well as a power creating imbalances when credits do not comply with the destination they were awarded for, provided that the customer evaluation is not real and does not provide sufficient guarantees. The need for liquidity is given by the purpose and the needs of theclients,which are also based on the bank’s interests. The banking activity is a specific activity and therefore the terms ofthe credit agreements have a specific character. Therefore, the objectives of this research seekthe specificity of the credit agreements terms that will be presentedat full length.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: credit,interest, interest rate, specific terms, usual terms, unfair terms
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
The company’s creditworthiness is a prudent method of enterprise financial analysis, specific in banks, where enterprises have the quality of loan applicant in relation to bank. The bank tracks the financial indicators, in relation to a pre-established threshold for the value of these indicators. In relation to this threshold, the financial ratios must be higher in order to benefit from funds attracted by the bank. This threshold, we can call the minimum risk or the prudential value for the bank in relation to its customers. Depending on this prudential threshold the creditworthiness of businesses isclassified as: poor, satisfactory, good and very good reliability. This method applied to enterprises offers banks through a relatively simple analysis, the possibility of knowing the performance of a company, in such a manner as to understand the risk they are exposed to.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: enterprise,indicators, company credit worthiness, prudential threshold,risk exposure,consumer protection
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
To initiate a relationships with the bank, any customer, individual or legal entity must open a current account with the bank. Opening a bank current account implies an account agreement, concluded in writing by mutual consent. Based on this agreement the current account is opened, which will be the intermediary for performing all transactions between customers and the bank, with the exceptions resulting from the express will of the parties, which are usually those concerning bank loans. The specific of this account is that all incoming operations shall guaranteeone another and shall merge to createthe balancewhilethe closing of the account is done in concrete terms agreed in the contract.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: current account,current account contract,operations, Current account opening,current account closing,bank fees
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
The Romanian banking system is composed of all commercial banks, which are coordinated by the National Bank of Romania. Besides the role of attracting bank deposits and managing payment methods, banks also play the role of intermediary, which is realized through transactions between debtors and creditors, which is the equation that ensures compatibility between supply and demand in the market, determining thereby, economic growth and increase in the level of the gross domestic product.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: banking system,commercial banks,intermediate,deposits,payment method, current account contract
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
Abstract: In this paper we try to analyze the extent to which economic and social cohesion of the enlarged European Union in order to develop a harmonious, balanced and sustainable community has been achieved with the Funds, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and other financial instruments and how Romania attracts or not such funds. We analyzed using the statistical data, the absorption and implementation of funds in Romania. Consequently, we present only the results. Conclusions outlined the reducing of the economic, social and territorial disparities which have arisen particularly in regions with developmental delays and in relation to economic and social reorganization. The most important benefits of funding (in general) are the growth, the competitive advantage, the employment and improvement of the environment.
- Type: Case Study
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Keywords: Convergence, Regional Competition, Territorial Cooperation
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014
Managementul este o activitate economică de maximă importanţă, prezentă în toate societăţile umane, indiferent de sistemele politice, sociale şi economice dintr-o anumitǎ ţarǎ. Managerierea activităţii întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii porneşte o dată cu identificarea oportunităţilor economice, în baza cărora se creionează viziunea asupra demersului antreprenorial. Cartea domnului profesor Constantin Sasu are meritul de a parcurge toate etapele necesare unui astfel de demers economic şi administrativ, explicând termeni cheie ai procesului şi oferind soluţii practice la probleme inerente.
- Type: Book Review
- Published on: 15th June, 2014
- Final revision and acceptance: 1st June, 2014